📣 qwerty456127

How do I search through pages linked from HN?

Most of the posts here on HN are links to pages on other web sites. How do I find pages featuring particular words among these?

E.g. I'd like to find an article on digital signal and processing which probably had the words like "signal" and "filter" in its text but all I can remember about the title used on HN is that it probably didn't feature either.

  👤 DoreenMichele Accepted Answer ✓
The search feature on HN offers custom options for a variety of metrics.

One tactic I use is to search on words in some comment I left in the discussion. If I search on my HN name, words I probably don't use overly much and check comments, I can frequently find it.

Sometimes, fiddling with the time frame helps. If I have some hand wavy idea of when I read it and not enough other info, I will resort to playing with that element of the search engine.

It's tedious, but sometimes results in successfully finding what I was looking for.

👤 29athrowaway
Put this in Google, and see how it goes:

    signal filter "http://" site:news.ycombinator.com
You will need some variations, like including "https://", but this is a good start.

👤 caryd
You'd have to use a crawler or make a basic one to curl and grep