📣 labrador

Why don't AI artists show their prompts?

When I started working with LLMs a few months ago everyone shared their prompts in a spirit of discovery. Now that I'm trying out image generation it seems no one shares their prompts. It's almost like open source prompts vs. proprietary prompts.

Fortunately I found a work around. Google Reverse Image search allows me to nail down the style fairly accurately. For example, I was able to find the style of one image to accurately duplicate the style as "Futuristic Art Deco Design with Cubism, Neo-Classicism, and the work of Italian Mannerists" in just a couple of minutes.

  👤 Iulioh Accepted Answer ✓
"why don't coca cola reveal step by step it's recipe?"

👤 brucethemoose2
They often do, embedded in the PNG as metadata.

Otherwise its just inconvenient. Its easier to share without the prompt.

Also prompting is trickier with model like SDXL that have seperate content and style prompting. Users often dont even know the full prompt.