📣 shobhit-singhal

Can Vercel launch open-source versions of applications hosted on Vercel?

Related to this post on reddit:


How much is legally possible for Vercel? Can they take inspiration from hosted applications and launch open source versions? Can they access the code and take inspiration from it?

  👤 Alifatisk Accepted Answer ✓
This makes me unsure if I should continue hosting more serious projects on Vercel.

👤 Rauchg
Hey folks,

Some clarifications:

- Leap AI (tryleap.ai) created a template which is a demo, incomplete version of other popular products.

- Templates get submitted to the marketplace all the time. One of Vercel’s devrel promoted it. The idea is to help people learn from a realistic, complete example

- This template has nothing to do with the code or data of any existing hosted Vercel app

Happy to clarify anything else further