📣 fakecrusade

What is your optimal read it later workflow?

What is your optimal read it later workflow?

  👤 keikobadthebad Accepted Answer ✓
Read it or don't. There is no later.

👤 june07
1000 open tabs until I absolutely must yield to the memory gods.

👤 meristohm
Optimal- I make time to read and take notes on everything I care enough about (this may be true already, except I waste time saving HN articles to my Safari reading list and have yet to review anything, so it's not optimal yet)

I either take notes on paper or in a text file. CherryTree, ZimWiki, Obsidian, etc- none of these stick, and I end up with folders of assorted file types. Well-named textfiles are best so far, as I don't care to use markdown, and I can do full search of the text.

I used to use Pocket and found it urgent and generally not important, relative to books I choose to read, so I uninstalled it and have come to terms with never reading the thousands of articles I've saved over the years.