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Resources for 7 year old interested in Geography

My 7 years old son seems interested in Geography. Whenever he can get hold of a computer, he googles and searches for maps. Any thoughts what I can do to help him explore more ?

  👤 solardev Accepted Answer ✓
Play Carmen Sandiego and GeoGuessr with them? Or if they like board games, maybe the Pandemic series (especially the Legacy ones, which have more story and different cultures, but might be a bit advanced for a 7-year-old, depending?). Or Ticket to Ride for an easier play. Or Power Grid.

Might also be fun to play around in Google Earth (it's still around!), maybe in VR. Or make some maps together in Felt.com (easy) or QGIS (harder).

Oh, and there are a bunch of scratch-off maps you can get too (on Amazon and elsewhere). Might be fun to combine those with country-specific games, or trivia, or whatever.

There are also these books: https://brilliantmaps.com/book/ And that website has a link to other board games too: https://brilliantmaps.com/strategy-board-games/

👤 bell-cot
Get him a big print-edition atlas of the world. Tactile, it's not yet-more-screen-time, and the number of maps & level of detail in a good one could occupy him for hundreds of hours.

An atlas of world history might be similarly good, to give him some sense of how the world's geography keeps changing over time.

👤 Someone