📣 Alifatisk

How do you read a research paper?

Whenever I open an interesting title on a research paper, I get bored quickly because there is just so much to read and so many different things I don't understand like the maths behind it. But the topic is still interesting, I just don't get how I should read such paper.

How do you do it? Do you actually read the whole thing?

What's the technique to extract the juicy content of it? How should I think and treat the paper?

  👤 Quinzel Accepted Answer ✓
Probably if you haven’t really learned how to read the result section, then it’s better to read the abstract, introduction and then skip to the discussion/conclusion. If you don’t really understand the method or results though, it’s harder to know if what you’re reading is pure bullshit.

I actually had to be taught how to read and understand the results sections of research papers and I would rate my current skills at like a real basic level, and only in psychology where I have a basic understanding of the descriptive statistics, effect sizes, correlations, regressions and a basic understanding of factor analysis. I’m still actually working on having a deep enough level of understanding that I could critically analyse a research paper.

👤 syndicatedjelly
Read the abstract, intro, discussion and conclusion first. If anything stands out to you, find the methodology and read that. Save the results for last, only read them if you find yourself disagreeing with any conclusions the author came to

👤 brudgers

👤 gus_massa
I usually read the abstract and then look at the tables and graphics. If they look interesting and convincing I read the rest.

Why do you want to read the paper? Are you panning to implement it? Just to learn general information? Make angry post in the internet?