📣 gls2ro

Videos explaining math intuively for children 6 to 10

I just out of boredom maybe started to rewatch some old bookmarks and (re)discovered this Eddie Woo.

Here is an example of a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2z5uzqxJNU where he explains divide by zero.

My kid (almost 6yo) seems very interested in numbers and math. I am doing my best not only explain some formulas but try to understand what it means.

We are doing a lot of drawings or using sticks or some other materials to grasp some basic math knowledge. But I am not a math teacher so I assume my approach could be improved a lot.

I recently (re)watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2z5uzqxJNU from Eddie Woo where he so beautifully explains to (what I assume are) high-school students divide by zero.

I am looking for something similar but for more basic math concepts fit for children 6 to 10 years old.

Any recommendations? I am mostly looking for video but any content is also welcome.

  👤 gus_massa Accepted Answer ✓
Some recommendations that my 6-yo daughter loves:

Specific to Math: Numberblocks: https://www.youtube.com/@Numberblocks/ She knows a little more about multiplication than what I expected.


Technology: The Fixis https://www.youtube.com/@Fixies The technical explanations are correct. (Videos form other channels that try to mix some science have too many technical errors.)

Bonus^2: Apps for android

BabyBus Science: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ailiyong.w... (Good science explanations.)

BabyBus Math https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sinyee.bab... (I didn't try it, but I guess it's good.)

👤 sokols
My 7yo son has used extensively this app [0], albeit in German, but it seems that there is a version for the US too:

[0] https://anton.app/

👤 rahimnathwani
When my son was 4 or 5, I found it useful to have math manipulatives to hand, to explain concepts as needed. In particular:

- math link blocks

- base ten blocks

- coloured counters (which I labeled with a marker to represent 1s, 10s, 100s etc.

If you want to avoid clutter, there are free online versions of these on Mathigon Polypad: https://mathigon.org/polypad

👤 rahimnathwani
Beast Academy online (subscription $) has video explanations for each topic. Video isn't the main focus, though, and it's only suitable once a child can read.

gus_massa mentioned Numberblocks. I think it's worth watching every video and, once done, starting over from episode 1. So much nice content, especially about multiplication and primes.

👤 terrycody

is best currently, just its a bit costly I think.