📣 joe__f

Ways to protect against identity theft?

I worry about possible identity theft. It feels like like this kind of invisible danger that you don't have much way of protecting yourself against. It seems to me that with the advent of large language models it's only likely to get worse.

So, what do you do to protect yourself against this? I recently heard about incogni, who you pay £60 per year and they send regular requests to remove your personal data from brokers. This sounds pretty good to me, and I saw a positive review on YouTube for it.

I've checked my email on 'haveibeenpwned', and the answer is a resounding 'yes you have lots'. I'm not really sure how to proceed with that, I am planning to set up a new email address outside of outlook and Gmail soon, maybe with proton.

  👤 joe__f Accepted Answer ✓
Oh apologies for posting this three times, I'm using Glider on my phone and it sent me an error message with 'something went wrong' when I tried to post. Next time I'll assume the error message is wrong.