All of this serves a larger question: how do I get customer number 1?
In order to get customer 1, I must have something they need, and they must be convinced that they need it. Setting aside convincing, I don't know how move towards acquiring/discovering a saleable idea.
I can ballpark some ideas that I picked up from the other two conversations:
- Know and speak to professionals in a variety of fields. Know them well enough that they will complain to you. This will be a source of potential things that you could solve. - Scratch your own itch. Someone from the EatThisMuch app showed up and commented that they used this approach [2].
...and, that's it.
My question to those who have gotten to customer 1:
- How do I do what you did? How do I go from skills and raw talent to selling to customer 1?
[2], this is why I love HN.
It looked like a quite terrible idea in a very big red ocean market, but is turning out quite successful actually and now we've got almost 60 playing customers.