📣 orastor

People who joined a company hoping to fix/add features, how did it go?

Whether joining a certain company or team within a company with the express purpose of fixing that one bug which annoyed you in your everyday use of a product, or if you really wanted for a product to add a certain feature. You finally joined that team. How did it go? Were you able to do what you wanted? If not, did you finally understand why it's not a priority and do you agree with it?

  👤 clubm8 Accepted Answer ✓
They cancelled that feature, the guy who owned it left the company, and I was given a poor evaluation for not coming up with a new UX research project idea without a supervisor or team. The supervisor who replaced the one on my offer letter was angry I couldn't work as a full on software engineer, despite being hired on as a UX researcher.

I ended up switching careers after that summer, but it was a huge economic burder and contributed to me eventually becoming homeless, since I wasn't able to get a high paying internship or job due to that being the third summer I'd spent in the bay -- it was kind of an "up or out moment".

(I tried doing policy, but that was proven to be a huge mistake when Brexit happened followed shortly by the election of Trump)

As it currently stands, I'm waiting to see if someone is going to flake on the dishwasher gig they offered me on fourteen dollars an hour, because I have given up on technical companies doing anything but treating interviews as free consulting sessions, and I'm not going to try for a clearance when I specifically warned the CIA that they might see a change in administration followed by a government shutdown causing it to be impossible to fulfull the SFS reqs and musing (pre Snowden) that we were on the path for a USSR style collapse complete with a riot on the capital lawn within the next decade.

TL;DR: I was going to work on the UI for Firefox Persona, then they canned the project.

👤 quickthrower2
Wow. That is impressive level if targeted job hunting if you see a bug and then manage to get a job on that team! Unless you are a QA at heart and see bugs everywhere and then join any famous company.

👤 rurban


👤 rozenmd
I joined Cloudflare Workers because I was astonished by how powerful the platform was relative to how it was marketed/what the DX was like.

Not a specific bug to fix per se, but I've helped improve the DX of wrangler and related products quite a bit.