📣 harshitjain007

Do you find this app or startup idea valuable?

The idea is - an inbox app like Gmail, where you can create multiple email ids like username.id1@zmail.com, username.ide2@zmail.com and so on. Each id will be single purpose only, meaning it can receive emails from one sender like from @amazon.com. If someone else sends email to that id, it will simply be dropped. It will be a receive only app with no email sending feature. It will have a Whatsapp like UI and chat like bubbles where emails from the sender will be summarized. Further, financial insights can be provided based on the emails in future.

What do you think about it? Would you willing to use it for free or a small fee?

  👤 eimrine Accepted Answer ✓
This is partly possible with + symbol. For example, you have abc@somemail.com and you can give potential spammers something lime abc+amazon@somemail.com

👤 mnky9800n
Isn't this how email servers already work?

👤 stop50
Thats what a lot of people do with their own domains.

👤 beardyw
Well, for a few pounds a year you can register a domain. I have mine at Fasthosts and they will forward all mail to that domain to a chosen address (in my case a Gmail). You can then use anything @your.host and it will come to you. Gmail can do the kind of filtering you plan to offer.

A problem with that is that some sites like GitHub run a check to see if you have a real inbox (no idea what that entails) and reject your made up address. You need to consider that.

Otherwise that is your tricky to set up alternative. Most non technical folks couldn't do all that.