📣 danwee

Do you consider yourself a better developer than the average one?

I used to think that, and sometimes nowadays I still think it from time to time. The reasoning behind it is, mainly:

- I'm into software engineering because I like it

- I have a degree in CS and I consider myself self-taught; I have read all the popular (and non-so-popular) books recommended for software engineers (DDIA, OSTEP, SICP, Stevens' books, and a long etc.) I do side projects from time to time to learn new things, but mainly to experiment the feeling of "building something"

- I think I have good taste (whatever that means)

Now, obviously I don't say it loud "I think I'm a better developer than you", and obviously there's no single measurement in the industry we can use (some developers are good at fixing bugs, others at designing, others at reading code, others at everything, etc.)... but deep inside my mind I still tell myself "I think I'm better than my peers, and than the other engineers in those other teams in that other area in my company".

I don't see it as an unhealthy thought, but I was just wondering that if people around here on HN tend to think that way as well.

  👤 JasonSage Accepted Answer ✓
An idea can have harmless substance, but can become harmful when phrased certain ways. Not just harmful when spoken, but harmful to your mindset. Because the words you're choosing to construct this idea are creating and reinforcing biases that you may not even know about.

The problem with the phrasing I see is that "I'm better because" sets up a comparison by which the peer you've compared yourself to has no way to actually overcome it. It's also a qualitative judgement _on the whole person_.

Let's take an example.

"[I think I'm a better developer because] I'm into software engineering because I like it."

I would instead choose to phrase as:

"I think my development ability progresses quickly because I like it."

With the latter phrasing, you can be correct. You can even prove yourself correct. You can make it a comparison—"I think I'll learn [x] more quickly than this person"—without saying they're a worse person or worse developer, just a _different_ developer.

I guess that thinking in this way will help you value others more. By seeing the ways in which you're different from another developer as a good thing for both of you. By giving people room to succeed and appreciating it even if the way they succeed is different from you. By preventing yourself from thinking "I'm a better developer" when you're having a conversation with a person, because you aren't silently dehumanizing them while pretending not to.

👤 syndicatedjelly
I hate absolutes and broad categorizations (including this sentence). I don’t have a traditional CS degree, so I focus on becoming better in very narrow skillsets, one at a time, and aim to be “above average” in each. I learned a hard lesson at a young age, which is that comparison is the thief of joy

As for becoming a “better developer” than others - who cares. Life is too short to waste it thinking about shit like that.

I try to focus on going places (both metaphorically and sometimes physically), and learning whatever it is I need to get there

👤 JoeMayoBot
That isn't the way I think - everyone is different and each person on the team brings something unique. Although it's good to have confidence, one person thinking they're better than others can be corrosive to team morale.

Here's a tweet from the Prof. Feynman account on X, offering another (if even humorous) perspective:
