I’ve always been interested in learning higher level math, but was consistently mystified by the proofs. I can always come around to understand them, but I never understood how the authors knew that proof method was “allowed”.
Learning about the formal proof systems has been a very interesting diversion for me. It has helped me begin to understand the foundations of the math subjects I am interested in and definitely has upped my confidence reading intricate proofs.
But perhaps the best outcome of this learning has been that I now have a much stronger framework for sound reasoning. It is easier for me to express and argument clearly or pin down a shortcomings in other arguments.
It is unclear to me how applicable these learnings will be for my primary interest in software development, but it has been a very enlightening process nevertheless.
For anyone else that tries this I recommend starting small and then gradually working your way up. I got a bad injury early on from doing too many miles too early. If you don't consistently do cardiovascular exercise then walking a mile or two every few days is a good way to develop the habit.