📣 actinium226

Has anyone gotten complete, permanent relief from tinnitus?

As far as I can tell, there's no universally accepted "cure" for tinnitus, but there are a number of "therapies" out there, some of which seem to prey upon people looking for relief but some of which seem plausible.

I'm wondering if any subscribers here have had tinnitus and experience permanent relief from the ringing? Not just reduction, but actual permanent relief that never comes back even when doing things that previously worsened the tinnitus.

If you can't tell, I'm trying to establish an "existence proof" here, if no one has ever gotten permanent relief then it seems like it might not be worth bothering with the "symptom reduction" therapies since they would most likely lead to focusing on the symptoms more intensely.

  👤 oblib Accepted Answer ✓
I've been dealing with tinnitus for about a year now. The only thing I've found that helps is Ginko Biloba. I'm buying that at a "Dollar General" store so the source is iffy and so is the effectiveness, but it certainly does help.

My wife has a friend who told her just a few days ago that her husband has had some success toning his done by chewing Bay leaves. I've not tried that yet, but I will soon.

From what I've read there is still no "cure". But those two things may contain a clue that's worth looking for.

👤 RelativeDelta
It's impossible to cure.

The 'ringing' sound people hear isn't actually a sound. It is how the brain processes signals produced by damaged Stereocilia.

If the 'ringing' is constant it means the cilia are permanently damaged. While it would, in theory, be possible to use surgery on the ear and some sort of lazer to completely remove all damaged cilia to avoid them outputting a damaged signal, this procedure would be incredibly invasive and risky. I don't believe it's ever been done and i would find it hard to believe any Otolaryngologist willing to try.

👤 tikkun
Yes, mine is not solved in theory but is solved in practice. The ringing is still there if I listen for it, but it’s effectively unnoticeable and I’m now unbothered by it.

The solution that worked for my was basically “acceptance and commitment therapy” - I think I learned it from a book written by a Dr Russell or something like that.

Would recommend, am very glad I did it. It seems kind of kooky though, it’s almost like you pretend the tinnitus is a part of you and you have a conversation with it and welcome it and all that kinda stuff over time, and then eventually it just kinda stops being bothersome. Doesn’t really make sense, but worked well.

👤 Jhsto
One month was the worst point. It gets better from there until it's unnoticeable unless in a silent room. You will be surprised how the brain is able to both cancel out and then rebalance the sound input to normal (should your tinnitus be one-sided). Same goes for "cracks" that you might hear if the sounds are too loud -- they also go away in time.

👤 pacomerh
In my case it has 2 modes. Super loud and very attenuated. I still have no idea what triggers it, I thought it was loud noises, caffeine, tiredness etc, but seems like its not a 100% rule. I have been super tired and done all those things and suddenly its super attenuated. So it's super random. Im sure for certain people there must be something that helps reduce it, maybe something related to the nervous system. I honestly don’t mind it anymore as long as I can hear. You can learn to tune it out for sure

👤 an_aparallel
i think there is research being done on cilia regeneration: https://news.mit.edu/2022/frequency-therapeutics-hearing-reg...

obviously time to get approved/confirm it works - etc lies ahead.

other than that - i had taken up drums and was paranoid of tinnitus, i could hear ringing etc. once i got audiologist confirmation my hearing was 20/20 guess what? It went away. Anxiety levels can affect it...obviously it was mild for me - chronic sufferers wont get away with "dont worry about it and it will go away".

👤 n8henrie
I'm a physician with lifelong bilateral tinnitus. Multiple pitches, quite loud, and acutely worse on the right side for the last 1.5 years or so (with some slight hearing loss).

I've spent a lot of time on PubMed, but so far I've not found anything that helps mine, even partially or temporarily. I've consulted with close friends that have significant expertise is relevant fields, which has not been fruitful.

Thankfully it's just part of existence as I've always known it, and so it's usually not too difficult, but can really be maddening when trying to fall asleep.

👤 stray
Does no longer caring count as relief?

👤 riku_iki
I had noticeable tinnitus for 6 months, it became very quite now, I now hear it only in complete silence and it doesn't bother me. The only correlation with external factors were lots of stresses during those 6 months. Stress gone, and tinnitus tamed significantly.

👤 obobbobo
This is the research people are watching at the tinitustalk forums



Apparently it's in the process of being commercialised in the US.

👤 axelthegerman
In highschool I basically lost my hearing on one side. It went silent for a little bit and now I have a static/beeping on it almost constantly.

Had overpressure therapy in the weeks/months after but didn't help. Have a bone anchored heading aid (via implanted screw) but doesn't work well.

Learned to live with it but mostly terrified if something will happen to my other ear... still have a few decades to go I hope, so better hold on to the hearing I have or science better hurry up

👤 beezlewax
Considering all of our hearing gets damaged slowly over the course of our lives, why does tinnitus only effect some people? I've had it for short periods of time after listening to loud live music, but hours later it just fades out to disappear. A musician once told me that it was the sound of your ear getting damaged and when you hear that you'll likely never hear those frequencies again.

I'm not convinced it's an entirely physical issue though. Our brains can filter out all kinds of excessive external stimuli both visual and from other senses so why not that ringing also?

👤 comfrey11
I suggest Monarda. A plant. It can clear ear congestion.

👤 rewgs
Not yet. I have absolutely insane tinnitus -- crazy high pitched, can hear it over any sound, too many tones to count. Also have hyperacusis but that's another topic. In any case, historically I've paid a lot of attention to this space.

Perhaps the most notable attempt at a cure was Frequency Therapeutics, whose efforts were promising, but unfortunately didn't pan out.

There's a constant churn of biotech companies trying to solve this, as curing tinnitus (and/or hearing loss) would be a goldmine, but no one has really gotten anywhere yet.

If you want to stay on top of it, the /r/tinnitusresearch is a pretty good hub, and there are a few mailing lists out there.

That said, over time I found that ceasing to follow all the promises and inevitable disappointments helped me better achieve the only real "treatment" we have right now, which is accepting it and slowly learning to live with it.

When there's a real deal cure, you'll know about it. Until then, I suggest not paying attention to the churn and the extremely dubious "treatments" out there.

👤 geuis
SciShow on YouTube just published a video on this topic. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yAFOvDT16EA&t=342s&pp=ygUQU2Np...

There's some mediation treatment somewhat similar to the mirror box used to help amputees with phantom limb pain. It's all still early but something to look into further.

👤 panosfilianos

👤 fsociety
No permanent relief. It goes away when I meditate but that is temporary. The first few weeks I started vyvanse it completely disappeared, even if I focused on it, but once my body normalized to it, it came back.

👤 Loranubi
My tinnitus was caused by flying long distance while having a ear infection. The first year was horrible, but after that it got a better every year and about 5 years later it's basically gone. I can only hear it now when I am in a very quiet environment or (this is the simplest way to revive it) bite down hard on my teeth. I think my brain has adjusted to the sound by masking it.

Most doctor visits were quite disappointing since they didn't do anything. I heard from many people that early therapy can help a lot (like oxygen therapy) but my doctor only tried some of these things after I repeatedly asked for it. But by that time it was already too late (like 3-4 weeks later).

What helped me was: - distraction - constant white noise in the background - avoiding any source of loud sounds/music/etc (I am very sensitive on that now) - relaxing my jaw muscles - distraction - going to the doctor at the earliest sign of possible ear infections to stop infections from spreading to the inner ear.

👤 captn3m0
Tried a bit for almost a year, got myself rested - realised mine was low enough to barely show up in the test.

At that point I started to ignore it, and it works well enough. Except for when I am trying to fall asleep. I sometimes go by many weeks before I notice it.

👤 avalys
I have had very mild tinnitus my entire life - since as early as I can remember in childhood. It's never been particularly bothersome but in a quiet room I can clearly hear it.

However, when I received the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine in 2021, within a day I had a substantial increase in tinnitus in both ears, particularly my right. I also had a persistent sensation of "fullness" in my right ear.

I went to an ENT. They were pretty skeptical of the connection to the vaccine, said they couldn't see anything physically wrong with my ears, but we had a good conversation about tinnitus in general. They told me there wasn't much anyone could do, but anecdotally, they did think that many of their patients reported actual improvement from an OTC nutritional supplement, "Lipo-flavonoid", specifically marketed for tinnitus.


I ordered a bottle and tried it out, and sure enough, I do think it made a difference - it did seem to quiet down the tinnitus, but not back to the level I was used to.

After about 2 months the tinnitus and sensation of fullness faded.

I elected not to get the booster.

Best of luck to you.

For those of you skeptical about any connection to the covid vaccines, you might find this article interesting quoting the Editor-in-Chief of the journal VACCINE and head of vaccine research at Mayo Clinic. https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2022/08/08/tinnitus-widespre...

👤 c7DJTLrn
I'll use this thread as an opportunity to say this: if you ever have sudden hearing loss in one or both ears, seek immediate medical attention. Demand a proper consultation and don't take "give it a few weeks" as an answer from a GP.

Sudden hearing loss can be reversed with prompt steroid injections but if it's left then it will become permanent. My mother woke up one day with no hearing in one ear. Unfortunately, by the time she got a proper diagnosis it was too late to do anything about it. Since then she's had tinnitus and vertigo to go with it.

👤 k4runa
I had tinnitus for a while, and tried a few things that didn't work but this thomping technique I found on reddit one day stops it, and I just do it every couple of days and it disappears for a while. Not permanent but whenever it bothers me now I just do this thumping and it disappears in a few seconds:


👤 fexed
I've had it since I can remember. One of my earliest memories, I was 1 or 2 years old, was "playing" with it while falling asleep at night: I'd focus on it and made the ringing grow louder and louder till it was the only sound in my ears, then it steadily grew quiter till I fell asleep. Nowadays, I'm 27 years old, my brain filters it out, but I can still hear it when it's quite. Perhaps it's one of the reasons I always have some background lofi music playing.

👤 pengaru
I had mild tinnitus years ago, but it went away over time while I happened to be living in a mostly silent environment off-grid near JTNP.

No idea if the long-term quiet environment played a role, but I also occasionally would supplement with sublingual b12[0] methylcobalamin supplements.

It's impossible to say what's responsible, there's far too many variables. Maybe just time passing since quitting riding motorcycles is all that was needed.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_B12_deficiency (search in page for tinnitus)

👤 hereforcomments

We want to try this with my dad. He has tinnitus for around 5 years, it started after an ear infection.

It works the same way as the method in obobbobo's comment.

It's FDA approved!

👤 Uptrenda
I had this for months when I stopped taking benzos. I remember it made all the music I loved sound out of pitch and awful. It kind of makes you feel out of touch with the world too when you're getting this weird distorted version of it. All I can say is I hope you can learn some good coping strategies. I don't have this symptom any more but I sympathize.

👤 villmann
I had a period of bacterial imbalance in my gut caused by Plastocystis Hominis. At it's worst, I got periods of tinnitus. After being cured, took a year to find the cause, the tinnitus also disappeared. Worth checking out the bacterial balance in the gut and trying some probiotics.

👤 ddmf
My tinnitus is there pretty much all of the time, and then for an hour or so it will disappear.

Over the last year or so I've developed really bad hyperacusis, this coupled with misophonia had made me severely suicidal, I even contacted the local mental health services and autism charities.

I've reduced that by wearing coloured lenses, I had been diagnosed with irlen but I see it as a little bit woo, however the coloured lenses have really worked.

My theory - I have a sensory fuck-it-bucket - I'm bombarded by all this crap every day, and if it overflows I'm under real stress, by reducing overload from other senses my bucket fills much slower, and the sound and tinnitus doesn't seem to affect me so much.

Strange to think that a £16 pair of cheap glasses has saved me.

👤 DirtyKoder
This video does not cure it, but it'll help you accept it and don't care about it now most of the time I'm just not noticing it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4zuVk5STuM

👤 rapjr9
Aspirin can cause tinnitus, so stopping it, especially if you take a lot or regularly, can make tinnitus disappear. There are a variety of other drugs that can also cause it:



👤 harryvederci
I'm not saying this will work for everyone, but I just lie to myself.

I know this isn't true, but I've told myself that having tinnitus is a normal thing, that everyone has.

The "fact" that it's normal and that everyone has it has removed the suffering for me.

Weird, but maybe it will help someone here.

"Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

👤 tdrgabi
I don't have tinnitus, so I can't verify, but I stumbled a long time ago across this reddit thread https://np.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/3l3uri/these_guys_light...

The url looks weird, I'm not talking about the video but the comment this links to.

It looks like ... his method makes it stop for 10-15minutes, so it's not permanent.

👤 FedorinoGore
Close family member experience: https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12...

It helped surprisingly soon. My family member had Tinnitus for 6 month, super high pitch, appeared as burnout reaction.

We were told by the doctor that this treatment might take several rounds and has a high chance of not working at all if physical damage is involved.

👤 heavyset_go
At least for me, ignoring it seems to work as well as ignoring eye floaters seems to. They're there, but I can filter them out to the point where I forget that they're there.

That's it. It's not permanent, but I can forget it's there.

👤 dizhn
I have mild tinnitus on one side. It doesn't cause too much discomfort but it's there. I am pretty sure it is caused by something pressing on a nerve on my neck so it's probably not the kind that most people have. I am hyphotizing that it would go away if I fixed the neck issue but that itself isn't so easy to do either.

👤 MichaelMug
I’ve had tinnitus for about one year now. There is no permanent relief or treatment. Lots of snake oil.

My hearing was tested by an Audiologist and my hearing was normal.

The “sound” I observe is high pitched. Using a tone generator I matched it to around 16,500 Hz. If I play that tone I get temporary relief on the order of 2-10 minutes.

As far as I understand my tinnitus is the result of something going wonky with the signal processing in the brain.

If you’re suffering from tinnitus for the first time it’s important to remain calm. There is defiantly an amplifying effect from the psychological aspect of tinnitus. Eventually the body will “habituate” if it does not go away. It took me around 3-6 months to be able to ignore it. During the day I rarely hear it. At night a little more. Playing sounds at a low volume on a Bluetooth speaker helps. For example on Spotify an artist called “TMSOFT” has good stuff.

It’s important to protect your ears. iPhone has a hearing protection feature for headphones and I have it on the lowest setting. I would avoid in-ear headphones. Use hearing protection at concerts.

👤 quietpain
I developed T after a series of encounters with benzodiazepines to lessen my nerves when I was coping with burnout. I didn't know I had burnout, I didn't know what was happening to me, I just wanted it to stop. My tinnitus became unbearable in the weeks after a psychiatrist took me of an benzo and put me on an atypical antipsychotic medication. I always blamed the new medication as the cause of my symptoms (of which T was one) when in reality it was the cessation of the benzo.

After 5 years of Tinnitus-hell I was put on yet another benzo and my symptoms were _gone_. It lasted only a number of months, though and when I started to stop taking the new benzo ... it all came back.

I came to the diagnosis of benzo-dependency myself and found a psychiatrist who agreed to assist in a 6-month withdrawal with a gradual taper. After each step my tinnitus came back a bit for a few days and then dropped again. After a number of iterations it became what is known as "baseline", i.e. a background tinnitus I can live with.

In recent months I started taking Magnesium supplements in the form of citrates and Taurine. I then found this on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/tinnitus/comments/znyuyj/partial_su... The top comment by kenzocarj is my current working model for dealing with Tinnitus. I'd like to try L-Theanine but it's illegal in my country - you can buy it in a form that has added glutamine which worsens my T. I'm now drinking matcha tea as a source of L-Theanine.

Hope this helps.

👤 tomhoward
Short answer is no.

But I have had complete temporary relief for a few days at a time that coincided with other signs of healing in my body, which hints at what could bring about permanent abatement.

I’ve had mild tinnitus since I was about 12-13yrs old (I’m in my 40s now).

It’s never been especially debilitating; it doesn’t impair my hearing or diminish quality of life, it’s just always there in the background.

Since about the same age I’ve had signs of inflammation in the digestive system/mouth/respiratory system and other mild/moderate symptoms that research suggests are related to microbiome issues - EBV, CMV, etc. at its worst it’s been like chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, though not always and not these days.

I’ve tried a lot of things over the years to try and resolve these issues - diet/nutrition, detoxing, cleansing, infrared, occasionally more extreme things I won’t mention here. On a few precious occasions everything seemed to click into place and I just felt a really pleasant, energized feeling through my body, the signs of inflammation went away, my digestion improved and the tinnitus abated and my hearing was completely clear.

Every time however, the baseline symptoms, including the the tinnitus, returned within a few days and remain to this day (though probably at a milder level than a few years ago).

I don’t have any definitive takeaways from all this, but it suggests to me that if there’s a way to fully resolve chronic inflammation and microbiome issues (which are quite common), may bring about a complete abatement of tinnitus.

(You can Google for CMV tinnitus/EBV tinnitus to find research papers and articles/discussions on correlations between these conditions).

👤 r_sz
I'm just speculating here. If somehow we could determine the exact waveform of the ringing, wouldn't be possible to just play the reverse waveform and cancel it out? Like how active noise cancelling headphones are doing.

👤 throwaw1yyy
Yeah! But I’m gonna say I’m really odd, it’s a lot of vibes and unless I convince a doctor of a case study, I’d never be believed.

I have/had Tinnitus (it’s nowhere near as bad as it was 7/10 to it’s current 1/10). It’s been gone 7-8 years now.

1. I listen to music much quieter, and let my ears adjust.

2. This is the weird part. I would get itchy all the time, random pin pricks I’d feel often. I read about monks who meditated so long they could turn off their hearts. So I sat in bed for 3 months (before going to sleep) and tried really hard to look at where I felt an itch and see it was my body was wrong. There was no reason to give me a cue to itch. Nothing was happening.

I can easily ‘feel’ the pin pricks if I desire but don’t anymore. It’s like a weird mental trick. I can also feel mosquitos and really anything touch me and no longer get false cues.

Anyhow I suffered from tinnitus and did the normal suggested stuff but it didn’t work. So I remembered the time I got rid of my itching and tried to replicate what I did.

I sat and listened to ‘true noise’ and untrue ‘noise’ and it wasn’t instant relief but over 2-3 weeks it went to level it’s at now. I only notice it if I desire. It’s louder an extremely quiet environment but I swear it’s almost like I can hear my blood pump.

Listen to really low noise. Quieter than whispers. Then up and up. Train your ear to understand sound and not sound. Then go back down again. Sadly the truest quiet will cost you (some place remote with no bugs or wind) but I did it fine at home because I could remember before I had tinnitus. Earplugs I think don’t work because you hear your blood pump.

Anyway I’m sorry you’re suffering and I know what I wrote sounds really dumb/unbelievable but I do pretty good on prediction markets… ;) it might work for you. Very weird - no proof in the literature but it worked me.

-(I did the itch cue training around 12 or 13, tinnitus around 22) -(I didn’t use any drugs)

👤 earthnail
Still have it. However:

I worried about my tinnitus for so long. It drove me nuts at the beginning. Then one day I stopped worrying. I can't even tell you why, or when exactly that happened, just that it happened.

I remember reading all the comments saying "you'll get used to it", and then lying awake at night and thinking "I'll NEVER get used to it". It felt like I would have to accept a huge handicap. I really didn't understand how people could just say it doesn't bother them anymore. Really, that loud sound doesn't bother you?

And here I am today. I don't even think about it on most days. And most importantly, it does not feel like a handicap at all. It's mostly just gone. Still there and clearly audible when I think about it, but otherwise gone. Zero impact on my regular life, on my music listening or music making behaviour.

I also have a pretty strong hayfever allergy. Many people told me I'd get used to that, too, and I have to disagree: no, I don't get used to it, I'm 35 years old and it drives me nuts every single year. But the tinnitus is different. I have it for over 15 years now, and it just became irrelevant.

👤 jokowueu
There are upcoming meds that do help but it's still in trials such as RL-81

It's gonna be a while

👤 jFriedensreich
I got mine under control, though there is still a bit left that probably wont go away, but is totally ok for me. Got rid of my 2 main stress sources, changed to a much more healthy diet, drinking more regularly and if there is a new tinnitus attack (i still do not know the propper english word, in german its hörsturz) i do breathing and ear massaging for half a minute. Not just massaging the outer ear but also gently pumping with air pressure similar to adjusting after a flight. I noticed time is super critical here. Just before the tinnitus starts there is 1 or 2 seconds where you feel the hearing disappears its as if the volume is turned down. If the massaging and deep breathing starts in this moment before the tinnitius beeping and noise sets in, it seems to always go away completely after.

👤 wruza
I have it for 4 years and got almost completely desensitized. It is a relief. It’s still there (and right now it rings). But it doesn’t create colorful reactions anymore. During the day, at night, before sleep, it rarely bothers me. Sometimes I even feel comfy about it.

In my case the secret was a sort of a therapy. At the second year I’ve become quite suicidal about it. There was a point in time after collecting all the information there is, when I absolutely ultimately had to make a decision. As a result of this thought process, “I will die with it” got fully accepted either way. Somehow this deadened my reactions and after a short while it became just a part of my life that I ignore. My brain got so good at masking it that I have to carefully listen sometimes (yeah, it’s there and it’s loud). I also stopped looking for a cure, relief, methods, threads like this. Not like “I shouldn’t”, but like “not interested”.

Pretty sure I must not recommend this way or leave it without a disclaimer: if you feel the same, then get professional help, don’t go through it alone.

My key insight is that you suffer while the hope lives, not that you have to lean over the edge to realize that.

👤 jamespwilliams
I’m almost completely deaf in one ear and had problems with tinnitus in the beginning (~7 years ago), especially when trying to sleep. Nowadays, I really only notice it when I focus on it, and it has no impact on my quality of life whatsoever. I think a lot of it is psychological.

👤 treprinum
I had both high-pitch and pulsatile tinnitus after covid; benadryl often just turned off the high-pitch one within 30-60 minutes of taking it; pulsatile one went away after supplementing iron bisglycinate, lactoferrin and liposomal B12 for a while.

👤 XorNot
Nope! Protect your hearing kids, by the time you notice the problem it's far too late (but we also live in an age of miracles, I'm hoping some type of drug will turn up within my lifetime - if Semaglutide can exist, so can this).

👤 SunlightEdge
I think I'm an odd case, in that I did have "tinnitus" (a constant high pitched buzz in my right ear), along with a constant tension headache that resulted in me not getting any sleep. I was prescribed sleeping pills and then a visit to the neurologist said all my conditions were caused by anxiety. I actually didn't think I was anxious (I think it was the result of a bad night on cocaine). Err... Anyway, a large career break with lots of relaxation gave me relief from both my daily headaches and tennitus. I was doing lots of exercise and also drinking a lot of water mixed with corriander (I was convinced this would help to detox me for some reason). The tennitus went away after about 2 months and it took about a year to get away from the constant headaches. I haven't done class A drugs since... Probably not at all helpful, but I thought I'd share.

👤 gbalint
In my experience, early intervention can help. I got tinnitus at the age of 30 (from a pressure trauma during scuba diving). I received some kind of dementia medication after 2 weeks, and the tinnitus was gone not long after that (and never reappeared). The doctor funnily said that a side effect is that I'm gonna feel smarter :) I'm not sure if it was the medication, or the tinnitus was just temporary anyway, but it was a really loud and unbearable noise for a couple of weeks.

👤 shafyy
I just realized reading all these replies with people who also suffer from it does somehow help. It helps to worry less, because evidently there's not much that can be done medically (at least for now). So, thanks for this!

👤 codr7
There is an entire system of Yoga called Nada Yoga; that deals with listening to so called internal music, usually described/experienced as high pitched tones/chords.

I have no idea how that relates to tinnitus; I hear high pitched tones/chords outside of meditation occasionally, but it's never bothering/disturbing.

My gut feeling says that sometimes, labeling an experience as a problem is why it becomes a problem.

👤 CapsAdmin
This is a little bit off topic but sort of related in how there seems to be at least 2 kinds of tinnitus which might have different cures, if any.

I have the kind I believe is called "somatic tinnitus". It's very high pitch and multiple tones. If I stretch my body or clench my teeth it becomes louder. It does not really sound like they come from one ear or the other.

It can also become louder if I'm drunk, or if I get a nicotine rush. It also becomes temporary louder if I listen to noise for a long time and then turn it off.

But from time to time I also get the occasional high pitch ringing in one of my ears that last for a few seconds. I've also gotten temporary tinnitus from a loud concert. While they are similar they seem different to me.

Just having casually talked to other people about this, I wonder if a lot of people have somatic tinnitus but are sensitive to it to varying degrees.

👤 zubairq
Being someone with Tinnitus I would love to find a cure too. Maybe one day there will be an operation.

👤 buster3000
I gave up a long time ago (almost 20yrs) after looking into it but recently I had a video pop up on my YT-short feed that looked interesting. It seemed scammy, and it was, but it got me looking more into it again.

I came across an FDA-approved device called lenire. Reviews seem hit or miss, but if I'm feeling flush I may try it. I can mostly put up with my tinnitus these days but it can get quite frustrating when tired & I want to sleep.

👤 c16
I also have what I'd now say is quiet tinnitus, when I used to party a lot it was pretty bad. I won't notice it during the day and I don't really notice it at night, however that wasn't the case a year or two ago.

Things I've done to try prevent it getting worse:

* iOS has a limit volume option - that's on permanently.

* I use a speaker on soft volume in the room when wfh rather than headphones when listening to music.

* I have ear plugs on my keys for when I end up going out to music events and festivals (I use Alpine, partner uses Loop). This made a huge difference and I'll go to bed without ringing ears.

* I try have days where I don't listen to music. At first it was weird, now I'm quite used to it.

* Online meetings, keep the volume low where possible.

👤 0-x
YES! Unfortunately I couldn't tell you how it went away as it just went away over time and never came back. Not even trolling.

Had a mild(?) case of tinnitus from about 17 to 20 years of age. Haven't really even thought about it since then but in my case the prime suspect was probably loud music. During that time period I was super depressed and angry at the world so I used to listen to loud heavy metal music nearly all day every day from my earbuds.

I stopped doing that because of the tinnitus, but it lingered on for long enough such that I can't draw a clear link between the music and tinnitus. Other potential suspects have been quitting dairy, cigarettes and weed, which I also quit in that same time period as the loud music.

If I had to guess, it was probably damaged stereocilia as @RelativeDelta mentioned.

👤 bondarchuk
Was there ever some followup to this?


Anyone with tinnitus ever tried it?

👤 jongjong
I had tinnitus for 1 month or so when I was living in London and it went away on its own. Can't remember if it stopped before or after I moved to Germany. In London I was living in a busy area above a grocery shop overlooking a street with a lot of buses going past so there was a constant hum from below. Not sure if it was related but my tinnitus just wouldn't go away. I had had tinnitus before but only for short periods if time and not so intense; only if the environment around me was totally quiet and I was very tired.

👤 matthewmorgan
I stopped twisting my neck to look at a second monitor. I think I was irritating a nerve or constricting blood flow

👤 pgporada
Been there about 15 years.

👤 gpjanik
I had it while I had ear inflammation and it went away by itself once the inflammation was cured. I'm sorry to hear that your case isn't as easy as mine.

👤 gedy
Just a reminder for folks who think they just have tinnitus to get their hearing checked. When I first started hearing ringing in one ear, I didn't realize I was losing my hearing in some frequencies due to sensoneural hearing loss.

👤 mtreis86
I've had it for at least 20 years, since high school. It has gotten better the past decade, I suspect due to how much more careful I am about sounds in that time. Its still there but I rarely notice. Wear ear protection.

👤 poiop
The reality is that the Internet is often useless for this sort of thing. I, like many others, got back problems during the pandemic. In my case science will mostly tell you to do nothing, health care will give you physical therapy, the Internet is full of instant relief stretches, short workout programs and psychological solutions ("don't care" which plays into "do nothing" like science suggests).

I managed to rehabilitate myself mostly by walking for hundreds of hours. That isn't really some trick or secret. That is what health care would eventually tell you to do. It just isn't reflected as much as the easy and the qualified solutions. Now I got tinnitus a few weeks back and it's the same landscape on the Internet. But getting the information isn't really the problem, it is making use of it. It's easy to find a high level of engagement and it's easy to find a high level of knowledge. The challenge is finding both.

I have always been somewhat sensitive to noise, but a lot of people aren't. They have whining fridges, squeaking doors or noise pollution all over the place. They don't really care. You are dismissing symptom reduction a bit. But as far I can tell that is the solution for most. A combination of stress reduction, lifestyle reform and behavioural therapy, potentially with a hearing aid or noise masking. And then it gets manageable enough that they don't care. Maybe you can do that yourself, but possibly you can't and will conclude that it doesn't work.

Of course like I said you shouldn't trust me. I'm going to go find whatever specialist health care can give me without paying too much extra.

👤 vjaswal
I can't help with tinnitus itself, but I highly recommend "Eargasm High-fidelity Ear plugs", or similar devices, to help prevent further damage.

They work really well to dampen loud sounds and, importantly, they let conversation through, though it sounds muffled. But you can feel the difference. They are much better than using foam ear plugs, which muffle everything.

I used to go to a lot of concerts without any ear protection, when I was young and dumb. I REALLY wish I had these things back then, since I've acquired mild tinnitus as a result.

Now I carry them on my keychain all the time and use them even in restaurants and bars or whenever I'm some place where I have to speak at an elevated level.

👤 az226
I got tinnitus after getting covid (which turned into a bad case of long covid that I'm still battling). It started out as maybe a 2 out of 10. Present. Annoying, but not super disrupting. I could play some youtube videos with a creek of water on the lowest sound setting and I couldn't hear it. Then one day a couple of months later it jumped up to a 5 or so. This was disruptive. I had to crank the volume up to about 60% vs 5% before and I had to use a tinnitus flosser matched to my frequency. This was bad. I was losing my mind.

I went back to my audiologist and got a hearing aid to reprogram my brain. I did 90 days of light programming and got reduced to maybe a 3.5. After 90 days she cranked the programming up to more intense and I'm now down to maybe 2.5. Definitely livable. Annoying, present, detectable. But also easy to lose track of it when distracted.

I hope it goes away some day. It's only in my left ear and a hearing test showed I did have partial hearing loss in my left ear at higher frequencies.

One interesting thing in my experience is that just like when you get a new eye glass prescription they ask if A or B is better but here they asked if my tinnitus sounded more like A or B and for every single one I could not answer. It was not like either of them. Not even close. It somehow did not compare.

There is a new approach out there and my audiologist has inquired to be part of the next wave (it's super early still) and I will try it out if she gets it. It's a new technique involving modulation and the tongue.

👤 drtgh
I would just like to point out that in recent years, in some action films, the sound effects editors are adding a high-pitched tone after the explosions, which in my case rises a real tinnitus that last along minutes. In particular, the moment I hear this tone, I fast-forward the scene or stop watching the film with a fit of indignation, before a real tinnitus is triggered due that mere fashion.

Thankfully there are other more professional conscientious sound editors that do not do such 'plunder' to our auditive system. I just keep my fingers crossed that they will keep their good common sense, which unfortunately has not been the case in a recent high budget film that was released recently :/

👤 az226
Forgot to mention, one of my coping strategies was pretending "well I just got home from a concert" cause you kind of have that temporary ear ringing going to bed after a night out at a concert and "pretending" this was no different. It was comforting somehow.

👤 dwighttk
Tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease. No single cause, no single cure.

👤 jerome-jh
Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom. Do you know the underlying condition? If not this should be your priority. It is not easy to have a clear diagnostic when the only symptom is tinnitus (often associated with hearing loss). Some otorhinolaryngologists are satisfied with the diagnostic of "sudden hearing loss", which is catchall for "I don't know". Don't let yourself be fooled by this and search for better doctors.

If you are lucky enough to have a diagnostic, then the priority is to treat the disease. This may alleviate the hearing loss and sometimes the tinnitus. In some cases tinnitus may completely disappear (for example in the case of a viral infection affecting the auditory nerve). But often tinnitus remains and you have to live with it. Anyway having a diagnostic is in itself a relief.

If you do not have a diagnostic, I guess you have to learn to live with it. It may be more difficult in this case. After all it is not the end of the world. Many things are worse than this. It can be hard to sleep at times. Doing sport improves sleep. It can be hard to hear people during meetings. Sometimes you will have to ask them to repeat. You can seat closer to the main speaker. You can prefer to connect remotely with a good headset.

I have a disease of the hear which for sure won't improve. In a sense this is a relief because I stopped "monitoring" my tinnitus so closely, maybe 7 or 8 years after my diagnostic, and 2 years after my second surgical operation. It does not keep me awake at night.

👤 akvadrako
I got tinnitus a few years ago and the only thing which reliably helped was drumming my fingers on the back of my head, just above the neck. It silenced the ringing for a few minutes.

However, the annoyance went away by itself after a few years. If I focus I might be able to hear it still, but it's hard to tell.

👤 jb1991
I had tinnitus many years ago for maybe a year. It eventually went away on its own. I had been abusing my ears and when I stopped it eventually died out. One thing I learned, it’s not just how loud sounds are coming to your ear, it’s also doing things like overwearing of earplugs that distance your eardrums from sounds and cause it to do something similar to turning the gain up on a mic.

👤 scottmcdot
I had it and it went away after a few months. I think it was from listening to my over ear headphones too loudly to drain out some construction noise while wfh for a month.

👤 stuaxo
I've got some by completing the advice of a tinnitus awareness group I went to on the NHS.

Basically acknowledging it as part of the background noise let me stop concentrating on it as much.

On the other side I worked out what makes it worse - lack of sleep being one, if I stay up too many days watching Netflix then I'll get bad tinnitus, same for hangovers.

It's meant to be linked to inflammation so being more healthy, getting more sleep and putting yourself under less stress all help.

It's hard though - rn I have terrible tinnitus, and of course any reminder of it can bring it back, it'll fade until I scroll past this article again.

👤 NiloCK
I have!

... but not through any conscious method. In fact, this post just "reminded" me of the fact that I had regular and occasionally severe tinnitus over the course of many years. Mine started in high school and persisted well into adulthood. Possibly rooted in a couple of concussions I suffered in reasonably quick succession, possibly too much time under headphones too loud.

Right now, I have to think hard to even recall the sensation, which I take as a pretty strong sign that I haven't suffered it for quite some time.

Hopefully this reminder about the condition's existence doesn't trigger a relapse. I'm terribly prone to suggestion.

👤 infecto
The only resource on the internet to read/discuss it. http://tinnitustalk.com

Everything else is full of people saying they are going to go crazy.

My opinion is to approach it that it cannot be cured and is a part of life. I got it around 2016, unknown reasons why, at the time my hearing tested normal for my age. Have seen doctors over the years and while I know its potentially a symptom of something else, I don't know what that something else is.

The first few years were brutal, reading online does not help as people talking about going crazy. The best approach is to ignore all that and just accept it. Mine not be that terrible, but it is always there but it no longer bothers me. Sometimes I do get some weird flare ups where it pulsates but overall its just part of my life. The sooner you accept that the better.

👤 taneliv
I had a concussion about ten years ago (lost consciousness and fell on the floor). This gave me amnesia, which lasted for a few hours, and a tinnitus that lasted for about three months. The tinnitus was high pitched and on a specific frequency (don't recall any more details). It made it difficult to focus.

Based on some Internet search I found that other people were helped by listening to (coloured) noise. I started self medicating by keeping headphones on during the work day, and quite a bit outside work as well. White noise sounded annoying, pink noise sounded soothing, but both masked the tinnitus and helped focus. I mentioned this to my GP, who didn't think it would treat it, but also that it would not hurt, either.

About three months in, basically a daily dose of six to ten hours of pink noise and the tinnitus was gone. Of course, it might have healed all by itself, and listening to the noise worked only as a temporary relief.

👤 netRebel
My tinnitus is only 2 weeks old, and I went into overdrive finding a cure or a solution, because I read that speed is the primary differentiator for success or not. I tried a lot of stuff and some helped a bit, but: I actually just came back from physical therapy where my jaw muscles get massaged inside and out. There was an immediate tinnitus relief, like 80%. Look up TMD (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction). Ibuprofen helped, too.

👤 Tor3
I've had tinnitus since I was around 20 years old, got it on new year's eve when some fireworks exploded very close to my left ear. Was deaf for two days and got an 8kHz tinnitus in that ear, permanently, after those two days. It's not very loud, but I always hear it unless it's noisy. I've had it for many decades by now.

However - I'm lucky in that I'm not really bothered by it anymore. In fact I didn't notice it now until I saw the HN headline and thought "tinnitus". And now I hear it. It's not very loud, as I said, but still loud enough to hear it over the traffic noise outside. And still, somehow, I forget about it a lot of the time. A guy at work is so disturbed by his tinnitus that he sometimes have to take the rest of the day off. I'm lucky I guess. I don't know if there's any mental method which can help with this.

Edit: I remember now that when I still traveled at lot at work the tinnitus would get worse after long noisy flights, and last for a while (up to a month) after that. I started using good noise-cancelling headphones and that definitely helped. As someone else said, protect you ears. It's even more important if you already have some hearing issues, I believe.

👤 lelag
I've developed tinnitus in my early 30's for no apparent reasons. I don't think I ever even abused my ears that much. It just happened... Initially, I found it very annoying but you get desensitized over time. Now, I hear it all the time, but it does not bother me much: I have better things to do that going crazy about something I can't much about.

I've noticed a few things though: the pitch is always the same but the loudness vary noticeably over time and it seem very linked to my level of stress. If I'm very relaxed, say peacefully hiking in sunbathed forest on a cool summer day, it can become so faint I can hardly hear it. But most of the time, unfortunately, it's pretty loud. When I still cared, I also noticed I could drawn it out with white noise, either natural (ex: a waterfall) or artificial.

👤 lacrimacida
I’ve had tinnitus for years and I simply got used to it. It’s unnoticeable unless im in an extremely quiet environment. Most of the time when I hear it it simply fades in the background. Now that the subject is tinnitus Im noticing it again and it’s just a little bit troubling. Im just in my 40s and I suspect it may get worse. Can anyone with tinnitus who is older confirm?

👤 ianbooker
I had tinnitus as a post stress reaction after my thesis. Its well known in my family and so I was extremly woried. I got a shake of different supplements, just to rule this out, did not help. After a week I accepted this as permanent and after two weeks it did not matter to me anymore.

I notice it every second month or so and see it as a stress indicator and friendly reminder to go for a walk. But I can easily imagine that this does not work for everyone.

👤 DavidPiper
I have tinnitus in my left ear, caused by Meniere's Disease. It's fairly quiet most of the time, really only a single note (more like a squeal), and I only really notice it at night when it's quiet. It's been permanently ringing since October 25, 2019. I've been unable to hear silence since then (I'm 30).

Except for a single night: November 12, 2022. For about 8 hours I had no tinnitus. (Sadly, it came back the next morning.)

The only unusual thing about that day was that I'd had an MRI (Brain and Cervical Spine, with contrast) for unrelated (and thankfully pointless) reasons. But somehow it fixed my tinnitus for a few hours??

Back in 2019 I had a Meniere's Protocol MRI and CT Scan to diagnose my Meniere's Disease. Gadolinium contrast. No effect on my tinnitus.

After a bit of reading I came across rTMS as a possible mechanism for temporary relief of tinnitus - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3563643/ - which the MRI that day would have induced. (Can't explain why the previous one had no effect, but the paper suggests that the literal motion and direction of the magnetic resonance matters).

A Uni nearby where I lived was even doing clinical trials. But I was dealing with another health issue at the time, and life got busy, and I've since moved interstate. I have no idea how it works or if it's just some incredible coincidence. But one day soon I'll go exploring down the rTMS path and see if I can consistently get tinnitus relief.

Like others in the thread, I've heard of plenty of other snake oil things. And my tinnitus is really not bad enough that I need to consider anything right now. But if tinnitus relief is a real thing one day, my money is currently on rTMS. Just far too big a coincidence for me to ignore.

👤 pgreenwood
I've had it since childhood. I just ignore it, and months can go by where I do not notice it. But if someone mentions it then I notice it's presence and that it's quite loud. So thanks for that :)

👤 nzoschke
Not complete or permanent but it’s mellowing out over time to where I almost never hear it during the day, and it’s no bother at a quiet night, and easily masked by a fan or a podcast.

The main things for me were

- take a major break from djing and clubs. I was playing out a lot - get great earplugs. I have westone custom molds - talk to friends about it

In talking about it I have been absolutely shocked to learn how pervasive hearing problems are.

Lots of friends have some form of tinnitus and some have shared major problems like major tinnitus from playing drums a long time or loss of sound in one ear from rocket explosions in the military. All was a complete surprise, I just assumed everyone’s hearing was great.

This greatly helped with my initial depression which presumably was causing me to focus on the sounds more rather to accept and ignore it.

Health problems are coming for all of us. Take great joy out of whatever health you do have, try to reduce harm from unhealthy habits, but have fun too.

👤 spacebanana7
Over the past 4 years my tinnitus has gradually gotten better to the point of being almost unnoticeable.

I'm not sure whether it's actually gone away in a medical sense or whether I'm just heavily desensitised at this point.

For context, my tinnitus onset coincided with loud music exposure and what I believed to have been eustachian tube dysfunction. I did take some treatment steps like staying away from live music / nightclubs and using antihistamines for the eustachian tube dysfunction.

👤 slyall
Not permanent but there is a trick to make it go away for a short time. I read about it recently and it works for me.

   1. Place both hands on your ear. Palms on the ears and fingers backwards
   2. Now tap with your fingers on the back of your neck. It doesn't have to be hard. It will sound very hollow.
   3. Keep tapping for 30 seconds
   4. Stop and remove hands from ears
Your ringing should have gone away. For some people it goes away for hours, others just a few minutes.

👤 dranudin
I got tinnitus during a particularly stressful (job related) situation in my life. It stayed for about a year or two. Now it is completely gone. I did not do any therapy. It seems what helped for me was "just" to get rid of the stress. I was in my early thirties at the time when I had it.

👤 culebron21
Had it after sickness at the age of 14, it dissappeared itself, but at 32-33 had it because of neck issues. Yoga and neck exercises solved it, as blood vessels became less obstructed.

I have a friend who's an osteopath. He points out that if, at wakeup, you have symptoms like feeling of swollen head or cant breathe with nose despite there's no snoot, and these symptoms go away in few minutes, it's neck issues and obstructed blood vessels and lymph,,which work ok with gravity, but not in horizontal position.

👤 ysavir
> If you can't tell, I'm trying to establish an "existence proof" here, if no one has ever gotten permanent relief then it seems like it might not be worth bothering with the "symptom reduction" therapies since they would most likely lead to focusing on the symptoms more intensely.

There are many possible causes for tinnitus, and looking for a singular solution to solve it all may be a fruitless errand. Even if someone found one, it may not correspond to your root causes.

I've noticed my own tinnitus seems tied up with muscle strain in my neck and shoulders. A frequent trigger is when I turn my head very quickly--a sudden bout of ringing starts in the corresponding ear. I've also seen my tinnitus wind down when I take the time to stretch those muscles, get massages, get acupuncture, etc. The solution here requires upkeep, not a singular, one-time expense. At least in my case.

👤 qwertox
I know that sometimes external factors and certain foods make my tinnitus almost unbearable, where I think that this has risen to a new level which is of great concern. There's nothing I can do about it until I kind of forget about it after two or three weeks.

Forgetting doesn't mean that it isn't there, it's permanently there, but that I can forget about it for some time, sometimes for hours.

👤 throwaway161718
I found out about my Tinnitus the most embarrassing way - my wife and we were admiring the relative quietness of the place we were living in, until I freaking blurted out - "but for vibrations of the universe"...... Ever since, it becomes worse, when I read a posting on HN about the subject and it slowly fades away into the background of tolerability. I now view the vibrations as Universe's gift to me :)

👤 tinyshi
I have about 18 years of experience with tinnitus. I remember when it started, initially with frantic ear cleaning, MRIs, classical music.

Later I tried everything, I have come to the conclusion that you learn to live with it. It means it's not going anywhere. I was in my twenties at the time.

I think if you can't get rid of it, you have to make a friend of it.

Worst case scenario, something like loud banging your finger behind your ear to tap it helps. Noise also helps. For me, head position changes it, as does contracting the muscles in the neck and neck. Poor sleep, hypertension.

https://generalfuzz.net/acrn/ you can try this (found here sometime long ago).

Stay strong, look for direction, not a solution.

👤 digitalsushi
I think mine might correspond with my blood pressure. It normally comes in with my morning coffee, or when I am being very stressed out by work. If I am ruminating while trying to sleep it will be fantastic levels, piercing.

I'm a slave to white noise, and during power outages will wake from a dead slumber to listen to the needle threading between my ears.

👤 kiririn
Try regularly sleeping with earplugs in a silent room. Bringing the noise floor down to a ridiculously low level retrains the brain in my experience

👤 anarchy89
Ive had it since I was a kid. It’s always there. You just don’t notice it after a while. But if you focus on it or it’s too quiet you will hear it until you tune it out again.

👤 User23
If you mean dead silence in your ears when you’re in a quiet place actively listening for tinnitus then no, I’ve never heard of such a thing. Although I am curious if even people without tinnitus can will themselves into hearing a ring in those circumstances.

On the other hand staying in a quiet place and rarely using headphones for an extended period of time has let my symptoms drop below the threshold of irritation. They’re still there it I focus on them, but except for the occasional very noticeable passing flare up they cause no distraction or annoyance.

👤 jtwoodhouse
I had horrible tinnitus for three months. I couldn't hear anything out of my right ear. Foolishly, I went to see Inception with it. That was so disorienting.

My audiologist said I was SOL and there was nothing to do about it. A few months later, I went to see a nurse practitioner about something unrelated. The ear came up and she wrote me a Rx for a steroid just to try it and see what happens. Two weeks later, I go for a walk. I hear this rush in my ear and suddenly I could hear again and the tinnitus was gone. It was a miracle.

Second opinions FTW.

👤 phkahler
I've had ringing in my ear, but never more than a day or so. I figured I read the comments here to see if there were any interesting anecdotes, and now my ears are both ringing quite badly after just a couple comments and thinking about the condition. Just going to drop this comment and get out!

👤 oooyay
No, but you get used to it. If it's really quiet and I focus on it I can hear the 1KHz tone in my right ear. The last checkup I had indicated I didn't have hearing loss, but frankly I struggle in some of those tests. Sometimes I find myself inadvertently angling my ear in a way that I can hear people better.

Other times something in my body seems to make the tinnitus flare up and then I can't hear anything but the ringing for a few seconds. This doesn't happen all that often and I'm more conscious of wearing ear protection these days.

👤 sirmike_
Yes. Make peace with it and it will never bother you again.

👤 DontchaKnowit
I've never heard anyone else say this but : I have had significant tinnitus for my entire life. As early as I can remember, I always had ringing in my ears. I think I was born with it.

Anyone else? I've only ever heard of people acquiring it over the course of their lives, but I know I was born with it.

It doesn't really bother me, since its been normal for me since before I was even forming memories.

👤 schmidp
I had tinnitus when I was about 20 for multiple months after dancing in front of the loudspeakers of a club.

They gave me a TEBOFORTAN, as well as cortisone infusions over several weeks.

It was bad enough that I could not concentrate on learning for university. I heard before that psychology plays a big role, so I was trying my best to just ignore it and do something else than studying.

It completely went away. I can hear a very small ringing if I concentrate on it and its completely silent, but I had this for as long as I can remember (definitely when I was 4 years old) and I wouldn't call it tinnitus.

👤 v_cgarcia
I have talked to ear specialists who say there's no cure. Warm water from a shower helps but no permanent cure.

👤 baby
Not tinitus per se, but I’ll write my experience here because it helped a friend who ran in the same thing, and it might be more common than people think.

I took a plane while sick, sinus were kinda jammed, ended up hurting like hell when the plane started landing. Next thing I know, I had a new condition: my hear would sometimes start a beat which I believed to be my heartbeat. It was extremely loud and would drive me insane. It would start at random times and stop at random times. It made me feel helpless and desperate a number of times.

One day I decided: fuck it. Just accept it. Just embrace it. And from that point on it bothered me much much less. Fast forward a year and a half I think, and I realized that I hadn’t heard that drumming for a while. I guess time cured it.

I also realized that my ears can easily get jammed so I ask for an ear cleaning from times to times (kaiser give it to you if you ask that during checkup).

Once in Thailand I woke up with swimmer ear, and freaked the fuck out because I had a flight a few hours in the future. I resolved to not get on that plane if I couldn’t resolve the issue, so I ran to the nearest island clinic and got my ears unstuck. Everything was fine after!

Never fly if your sinuses or ears are jammed!

👤 zkelvin
I have achieved effectively permanent relief from tinnitus. And not just habituation, adaptation, or acceptance; I no longer hear the ringing (except very quietly if I really plug my ears and really listen for it, but this probably matches the same level of ringing that I heard before I considered myself to have tinnitus)

In the summer of 2016, I first noticed some ringing in one of my ears when I would insert ear plugs at night. I shared my concern with an ENT who then prescribed ciprofloxacin ear drops. I administered it that night to the one ear and awoke a few hours later to profoundly increased ringing. It was bad enough that it triggered pretty severe suicidal ideation. It also greatly exacerbated my difficulty sleeping, which in turn exacerbated the tinnitus, forming a feedback loop. By late 2017, I also started to develop migraines, intermittent brain fog, and malaise. Addressing these symptoms became a higher priority than the tinnitus, although I believed them to likely have a common cause.

After the first year or so, I very gradually began to habituate to the tinnitus. By early 2019, I had largely habituated to it. I could still hear the ringing regularly, but it no longer contributed to low mood or insomnia. My other neurological symptoms had also somewhat abated.

Throughout that time, I had visited many doctors: ENTs, audiologists, general neurologists, cardiologists, a migraine specialist, a sleep specialist, gastroenterologists. None of the doctors were helpful at all. I had a full battery of tests and none revealed anything abnormal.

Around mid 2019, I had mostly given up on doctors being able to help my condition and instead determined that I'd have to figure it out myself.

After years of trying to directly resolve the neurological symptoms, I eventually reasoned that I probably had some sort of more systemic issue of which the tinnitus was merely one symptom. This was initially difficult for me to accept as I was otherwise generally "looked" like I was in good health: I worked out regularly (both cardio and weightlifting), I mostly ate healthily, I didn't drink very much, I didn't do any other recreational drugs, I socialized regularly.

I then set out to try every possible intervention which was generally safe and which could potentially improve my health (not just the tinnitus, but my health holistically). I tried tons of supplements individually. I reduced my dairy intake. I tried low FODMAP. I tried various prescription drugs (CGRPi, beta blockers, blood pressure medication, etc.). I started to do red light therapy regularly. I started to sauna (both dry and infrared) regularly. I did extended water fasts (5-7 days), which provided surprisingly large (albeit temporary) symptomatic relief. I did some gut microbiome protocols. I tried some other protocols for eradicating latent infections. I tried protocols for improving mitochondrial health and protocols for addressing chronic fatigue syndrome. I tried stem cell therapy, both autologous and umbilical cord-derived.

Throughout late 2019 and through 2020, I increasingly started to notice times where I couldn't find my tinnitus, even when I was looking for it. Unfortunately, I couldn't very easily correlate this with any particular intervention. I also was executing multiple interventions simultaneously, so attribution would have probably been impossible anyway.

Since late 2020, my tinnitus has been more absent than it is present. I cannot hear it today, even if I listen for it and try to trigger it. The last time I recall hearing my tinnitus involuntarily was mid 2021.

I wish I could tell you definitively what caused my tinnitus and which intervention(s) worked for me.

My best guess is that I had some sort of gut dysbiosis which resulted in elevated ammonia and hydrogen sulfide levels in my blood. These toxins are known to harm both mitochondria and neurons, which could manifest as tinnitus (and eventually as my other symptoms). This gut dysbiosis likely originated from the time that I got very bad food poisoning twice within two weeks while visiting Southeast Asia; I also had terrible appendicitis in the months following that, ultimately culminating in the removal of my appendix.

Red light therapy improves mitochondrial health (which in turn improve anything which relies on ATP production, which is quite literally everything). It seemed to help me.

Sauna also improves mitochondrial health. Sweat contains more ammonia than does plasma, and so the sweating from sauna likely reduces ammonia levels (and possibly other toxins like hydrogen sulfide, too). This also seemed to help me.

When I fasted, I stopped fueling my gut microbiome, which meant that they stopped producing those toxins. This could explain why I noticed such sudden relief. This also clued me in to this being some sort of diet or digestive issue.

I think the gut microbiome protocols helped, but by the time I had started those, my symptoms were already abating. These also tend to be a bit hit-or-miss, and they can take months to impact symptoms.

But this theory as to the origin of my condition and what specifically resolved it is probably colored as much by my a priori beliefs about what would work as it is informed by my actual experience.

That being said, I do think the general approach of "aggressively try everything (safe) which could potentially improve your health" worked for me and could likely work for many others.

👤 DelaneyM
I woke up one day about twenty years ago with terrible tinnitus, to the point I could barely function. I’d never been to a concert or worked with heavy machinery and didn’t wear headphones (I have tiny ear canals and can’t fit earbuds).

I went to the hospital that day, then saw two different specialists, and the only prescription I received was for Ambien so I could at least get a night’s sleep. Even on day three I could barely drive it was so distracting.

II woke up on day four and it was totally gone. Like it’d just been a terrible dream. I still went to the audiologist the next day to follow up, he said that sometimes that just happens, and posited that it might have been neurological.

I doubt this is helpful to your case, but it’s an example proof of _something_.

👤 westcort
Reading these comments has made me feel very lucky not to have tinnitus. However, as a pharmacist, I have consulted with many people asking about supplements and treatments for tinnitus. One treatment that has worked for some people is lipoflavanoid. A less expensive alternative, available as by prescription only, is gabapentin.

👤 ggambetta
I got tinnitus after a fateful night at Ministry of Sound in London. There's a sign that says "CAUTION: excessive sound levels" and they're not joking :(

I haven't found a permanent cure. Thankfully I'm not even aware of it most of the time, and it's never been an actual issue.

I have found a partial, temporary cure - this was discussed on HN a few months ago, and someone linked to a YT video or audio file with some sort of noise patterns (not white noise, more like periodic beeping at different pitches and volumes), and if I listen to that for 10-15 minutes, I can't hear the ringing for a while.

Maybe I should try doing this more consistently, and see if it goes away permanently. Has anyone had any luck with that?

👤 10ego
Should be an automatic disclaimer for these but my experience my not be the same as others. My tinnitus still happens, typically triggered the next day after being exposed to a very loud setting, like going to a concert for example. One day in judo class, I had an instructor come in who finished the session with some yoga (it was atypical but I actually liked it, stretching out my joints and muscles after being so tense). I felt a pop, not like cracking a bone but something lighter feeling. No more tinnitus. It still comes and goes with the triggers but they're less intense and usually goes away after a good walk and a light stretch.

👤 autogrue
Dammit. I was good until I read this post.

👤 wahnfrieden
I got mine from a concert about 20 years ago. No it's the exact same as the beginning basically. I just cope better and don't think about it much and still find value in quiet spaces.

I was given steroids for recovery within a couple days of the event but I don't recall it actually improving the tinnitus. It definitely was louder in the first day after the event but that's usual for concerts, before it settled on a volume/tone. Now I'm just extremely careful and have good earplugs etc.

👤 lightweb
Yes. I stopped eating refined sugar and drinking any alcohol and my 90% hearing loss in one ear + tinnitus has gone away in about 3-4 months. I was suffering with it for years.

I also had all mercury fillings removed by a specialist with the correct equipment and procedures.

👤 tbragin
A couple of years ago, I started having headaches and debilitating tinnitus, and it went on for months. I was tested by audiologist - my hearing was normal. It turned out that (unbeknown to me) I became extremely anemic due to another health issue. Once I got diagnosed, and anemia was addressed, headaches and tinnitus went away.

👤 1970-01-01
The best therapy for living with it is being tough. That means accepting it and moving forward with life. Mute or avoid all loud sound as much as possible or it flares and becomes worse. I simply have no other wisdom on it for you.

👤 instagib
http://tinnitustalk.com/ as a few have mentioned.

I dove into research as well and found one which sounded promising but I didn’t research further. Shocking the tongue.

On the website under pulsative they mention surgery based on a specific MRI for pulsative tinnitus being read by a specialist. It cured some people.

Mine changes often and both ears are different with multiple different sequences of sounds. I wear hearing aids which I can switch on/off white noise or play music through them with Bluetooth. I play music, videos, or podcasts most of the day and take something to help me sleep.

There’s a “How to manage your tinnitus: a step-by-step workbook” by James Henry, Zaugg, Myers, and Schmidt all PhD.

👤 upghost
I hope this comment reaches anyone suffering from tinnitus. My tinnitus is so bad that I’d … well good news is, I found a great way to manage my brain melting tinnitus.

Step 1: YouTube-dl this blessed sound: https://youtu.be/8indTo2ykPw?si=izyTOg4gYvnfsqZs (Plz tip the guy) (You should be able to tell just by listening to the sound that it immediately cuts out the tinnitus— if this sound print doesn’t work for you, there may be others that work better. But I have let other tinnitus sufferers wear my headphones and they all say it makes the tinnitus go away completely) 1a: (cut out the dialogue in the beginning with audacity) Step 2: buy a pair of these waterproof mp3 ONLY (it’s an appliance) bone conduction headphones: https://a.co/d/aqqhPm9 Step 3:put the mp3 you ripped on the headphones and remember what a normal life feels like

The only times I realize I have tinnitus is are right before I fall asleep, right when I wake up, and once a day for 20 minutes when I need to charge my headphones.

And I want to emphasize my tinnitus sounds like the screaming sun planet on Rick and Morty. It’s really bad. But thanks to this technique I only experience pain a few minutes per day. Good luck everyone.

👤 patorjk
I've had tinnitus for around 15 years now. I've followed the research pretty closely. One thing to be especially weary about is the placebo effect. For some reason it's especially bad when it comes to tinnitus. I think that's how so many snake oil products can thrive in this area.

Back when they were doing the OTO-313 study a year or so ago, I read several reports from people who were in the study the drug had made their tinnitus go away (one on the TinniusTalk forums, and a few in a tinnitus Facebook group). However, when the results came back, the drug did not beat placebo. A similar thing happened with the FX-322 drug (that one was for hearing restoration but people were hopeful it could address tinnitus too).

👤 milesvp
There are some drugs with known tinnitus side effects, you may want to look at meds you’re taking. A friend had good luck cutting out one of the otc pain relievers he was taking and having tinnitus symptoms go away

👤 haltist
It is possible by reducing neck and jaw tension but there is no permanent solution. Reducing caffeine intake also helps because caffeine is a stimulant and makes muscle tension worse.

👤 wesbz
This post caught my eye as I just got my audition tested this morning. My tinnitus started 2 months ago after I got COVID. It would range from ringing in my hear once a day to non-stop for days. I've been told there's nothing to do except waiting for it to maybe disappear.

👤 whalesalad
I think there is something to be said for somatic therapy and muscle release therapy around the neck and jaw. Curious, do you also have jaw issues or pain in your neck?

👤 seviu
I have had Tinnitus all my life, since I was a kid. At the beginning it was intermittent, now it's permanent, to a level where I understand why people have suicidal thoughts. Concentrating on tasks is quite difficult and every audiologist I visit tells me to deal with it because there is no cure.

What I find fascinating is that when I meditate or start falling asleep, I can consciously enter periods where it disappears or it becomes bearable. Like if I learn a trick with my brain in which I can mute it. Sadly entering it requires a lot of effort. And when I wake up or leave the meditation state (which is hard to reach because of the tinnitus) its impossible to reproduce it.

Mine I am sure is due to problems with my jaw (bruxism). One thing that helped with the jaw (but not the tinnitus since it is now fully embedded in my brain) was with botox injections. If you are on early stages and if you think the jaw is a main factor in your tinnitus, go to a neurodoctor and ask him for botox injections in order to treat it.

About the Lenire device, two things: it requires dedication and time, which I don't have, and you cannot event rent it. Selling it is also forbidden. In essence is an mp3 player which electrocutes your tongue. I have come with many such solutions and all are the same. Snake oil.

One last thing: the tinnitus is louder in periods where I experience more lack of sleep and stress / anxiety. It might sound cliche, but meditation, yoga, even going for a walk (no phone, no headphones, just a walk) really does work in reducing its volume.

👤 daltont
I suspect that my wisdom teeth that did not warrant removal may be contributing to my tinnitus in my left ear.

Anyone get relief from wisdom teeth removal?

👤 piuantiderp
Things to try:

No stimulants (no coffee), magnesium, gelatin (or glycine, not collagen) thiamine (B1)

👤 tasty_freeze
I wonder if this is another manifestation of the mechanism behind phantom limb pain that amputees experience (or one of the proposed mechanisms).

Specifically, if the nerve cells for a certain frequency have gone down, and the brain boosts the gain from that cell as part of its normal AGC (automatic gain control), resulting in a phantom sound.

👤 keeptrying
I've always wondered whether I had tinnitus or not.

After listening to this I heard silence for the first time in a while. I guess I do have it. But its not delibitating.

I guess I don't get bothered by tinnitus any more.

👤 vcg3rd
I had it for years. It went away. My best guess is it was caused by medication.

It didn't go away suddenly. We had moved, and I went 6 months without getting a new Dr so I wasn't taking any prescriptions. It never came back (15 years), so if it was medication it was a different blood pressure medication than I take now or an antidepressant which I never went back on.

👤 kraig911
Prednisone helped me. I'm diabetic now so when it flares up i take more insulin. I don't know if that counts as permanent but it helps. The other thing is I stopped using ear buds. Only over ear headphones. Also I have a small quiet fan running.

👤 ugjka
After a decade you realize it no longer bothers you and you can't pinpoint when it stopped bothering you

👤 cassepipe
Ok, you're not going to like this one. My friend with tinnitus don't usually smoke but whenever she has tinnitus, it's always before going to sleep and smoking a cigarette reliably makes it go away. It's not great but then she is able to sleep. She suspects it's psychological as it generally happens during stressful times. She also says that e-cigarette don't work for her.

👤 owlninja
I think this (Auricle) may have more promise than Lenire


👤 jhallenworld
Try eliminating all background noise, especially white noise sources like fans. Give it a few days.

I have some degree of tinnitus (I'm sure it's damage from that Metallica concert..), but I mostly don't notice it unless triggered. White noise triggers it. One office I worked in had white noise generators which made it worse and worse. New office does not have them, now no problem.

👤 goodroot
Heard many have success with Ayahuasca and other very high potency psychedelics.

👤 dblohm7
My spouse is an audiologist who specializes in Tinnitus. From what I have learned from her, there is no cure, only ways to treat it to make it more manageable.

Working with an audiologist who has been through the Tinnitus Care Provider program [1] is probably your best bet.

[1] https://myhome.ihsinfo.org/myhome/Find_Provider.aspx?Find_a_...

👤 mxvanzant

👤 mickelsen
Another previous discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33905368

Be cautious with bupropion. It was the trigger for me and, in a nutshell, I needed several rounds of steroids just to reduce the perceived volume of the high-pitched tone. It eventually subsided on its own over a span of about two years. However, I had to be especially mindful of potential triggers during that time, for some reason I became notably more sensitive to factors like respiratory and skin allergies, poor neck posture, and loud noises.

Interestingly, speedy fans or the ANC from my QC35s seemed to exacerbate it. Yet, another pair of in-ears with adjustable ANC didn't have that adverse effect. SSRIs might have been beneficial as well. Addressing these factors progressively reduced the frequency of episodes, which eventually dwindled to once every two weeks, lasting for about 10 minutes and being barely noticeable.

👤 VT_Dude
Anyone's tinnitus can disappear completely at any moment. Don't despair. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33637222/

Mine was from getting squeezed from flying with a sinus infection. I got rid of mine almost completely most of the time with hyperbaric treatment. I had the journal article saying this is common practice in Germany that I used to convince my ENT to refer me to a hyperbaric chamber, but I can't seem to find it.

👤 gnicholas
I know the researcher who created the Newsensory Duo, [1] and I've considered getting one for a family member who has tinnitus. I realize $250 for 1 month is substantial, but this is what I would try if free options don't work (and it's a max of 4 months payment — after that it's yours)

1: https://neosensory.com/product/neosensory-duo-for-tinnitus/

👤 perfmode
Look into nada yoga

👤 idw
The Cochrane Collaboration does systematic reviews of the research into health interventions.

There are quite a few reviews of different tinnitus interventions here, from zinc supplements to cognitive behavioral therapy https://www.cochranelibrary.com/search

One common theme skimming through is that there is no intervention known to be effective for everyone. But it is worth looking at the ones that have been studied and seeing if any might be worth trying for you.

Full disclosure: I work for the Campbell Collaboration which is essentially the sister organization of Cochrane doing systematic reviews on subjects outside of health (education, crime prevention, business and management, international development and lots else) campbellcollaboration.org/

👤 _nalply
I am Deaf and I have tinnitus from wearing hearing aids (they never helped me understanding people, for that I am too deaf). I always "hear" the audio feedback tone when putting them on even when my hearing aids were turned off. Because of that I never realized when the fitting was bad and in school I was ridiculed for always having that feedback noise with me.

Twenty years ago I gave up hearing aids.

But the tinnitus stayed with me.

I accepted the tinnitus.

It can be triggered easily, for example from very loud noises (120 dB and more), or just thinking about tinnitus. While writing this post I got tinnitus.

Usually I hear moaning swelling up and down.

Sometimes I hear high-pitched explosions.

Rarely I hear what I call cat music, a surprising and arrythmic melange of different noises.

When I hear tinnitus, I try to listen to it. Especially the cat music is interesting.

The explosions are not so nice. They sometimes work like audio jump scares.

The moaning is sometimes soothing.

👤 tim333
Not a cure, but mine naturally fades a bit if I avoid exposure to further loud noises by carrying earplugs. And I check sound levels sometimes with an iphone app - anything touching 100db, it's the earplugs.

👤 ph4
Yes. I got fitted for a mouth guard by my dentist, which I wear to sleep at night. My tinnitus was caused by grinding/clenching my teeth.

👤 FloorEgg
I went to Maui and got tossed around in some big crashing waves. One time a bunch of water, and probably sand, got shoved into my ears by the force of the wave churn. I was pretty deaf for a day or two, but then eventually woke up one morning with black ooze all over my face and pillow, perfect hearing, and my tinnitus was gone.

I also dramatically reduced eating cheese and anything with lots of gelatin or thickeners in it.

👤 leon_theremin
Tinnitus is electromagnetic interference caused by terrorists with access to advanced weaponry.

The cure is to shield the nervous system by using absorbing material like meat/water or living in a shielded room.

Same for Havana Syndrome, EMF hypersensitivity. Read my posts.

👤 chrsmth
I pretty much got rid of my tinnitus, but my situation won't apply to most people.

So I don't have any permanent hearing loss beyond what's normal. My tinnitus is Somatosensory [1], in my case aggravated by neck and jaw tension. My jaw doesn't align all that well on one side, and I can hear a sharp ring if I move my neck/jaw in the right ways.

I first noticed it after a kayaking trip in which I packed my ear with water so badly that I gave up on getting it out. This went on for months until the conductive hearing loss (i.e. earwax) + neck/jaw tension combined to produce tinnitus. Obviously I didn't know the cause at the time, so it caused me some stress before I started to make progress.

This is just armchair science, but in my experience, tinnitus is caused by poor signal to noise. If my neck/jaw is tense or misaligned, then the noise floor is raised. I think it's literally my auditory nerve picking up interference from my neck or jar. Similarly, if my hearing is blocked, then the signal is lowered. If the signal to noise is too poor, then my brain stops filtering out the noise, and I hear it as tinnitus.

The solution for me is just a combination of neck stretching, and protecting myself from all hearing loss. I have to monitor this because it will flare up occasionally.

[1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S180759322...