📣 andrei_says_

What do you use for building marketing email campaigns?

Looking for an enterprise-friendly product for building email campaigns.

Some of the features we have in our in-house solution which features we’re hoping to retain:

- component-based, with components coded to our email design system. Editors should be able to use any of the pre-designed components in any order but are not able to design / edit outside of components

- no design required of the editors - again, build the email out of predesigned blocks. No need to make design decisions

- emails produced are compatible with both old outlook and with contemporary email clients

- able to send test emails

- no need to distribute emails. Ideally, unable to distribute emails.

- if we add a module to our design system or change existing designs, the vendor can implement these - including hand-coding the email html for the module and testing in all relevant clients

- email campaigns will be edited by multiple editors, and revised multiple times. Having a diff function between revisions would be very helpful

Does any of you know of such a system at enterprise level?

Our in house solution does all of this and we are looking to replace with an external one while preserving efficiency.

  👤 rootmenow Accepted Answer ✓
hi please Dm how to contact and help you with this need,