📣 sc90

What have you discovered on Hacker News?

Apart from Movies, Youtube (Channel or Video), TV Series, Blogs, Blog post, Podcast, Physical Products, Books, Papers, Albums, Song and Github Repos. What else have you discovered through HN?

  👤 carlos_rpn Accepted Answer ✓
Ruby Ruby on Rails CakePHP OkCupid (it was interesting seeing the first blog post about it and then seeing it grow) Reddit I'm pretty sure I learned of a few open source games from here.

👤 Quinzel
This may sound silly, but I learnt about the worlds smallest nerf gun and I found the science of it really fascinating. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9c2NqlUWZfo

I also discovered guess the correlation which I’ve had a lot of fun with https://www.guessthecorrelation.com/

I also learned some commands for the command line that I did not previously know.

👤 mtmail
The occasional event or link to a conference.