📣 skwee357

Examples of SaaS with Pure API/Minimal UI/UX?

Hey HN!

I really like creating tools (you can find some of them on my website in the profile), but I really hate doing UI/UX.

Are there any examples of, relatively, successful SaaS products that have minimal UI/UX?

Share your stories.

  👤 ezekg Accepted Answer ✓
I doubt many of these exist. And if they do, they're probably small. I tried to go "API-only" for my SaaS. But I was met with abysmal onboarding conversion rates. And I tried to stick it out, too, improving documentation and DX where needed. Ultimately, I didn't get my first paying customer until I built a basic admin UI for the API. Even though a large percentage of my customers don't actually use the UI in their integrations or day-to-day, that initial friction of no UI when learning the ropes was killer.

👤 simantel
Just off the top of my head: Cloudflare, Twilio, Segment, SendGrid, dbt, Mongo, Vercel, Mapbox.

All of these have some UI, but the core product is an API or infrastructure as a service.

👤 rozenmd
Even APIs have UI/UX concerns to consider.

Think about error messages, docs, landing pages, etc.