Performance, security, actually building a GraphQL server. What else have you encountered?
The amount of trouble they went through to actually use it far outweighed the benefits.
Assuming they were going to over-engineer, regardless, the very fact that they used a technology they had no way of ever understanding just made it impossible.
Huge companies are slow to adopt things. All the smaller companies I've worked for used GraphQL, but even then I didn't see the benefit over a regular REST-like API.
For a queries and mutations you still need to write business-logic and database access which is very similar to how you would develop a REST-API.
Graphql is a typical example of something that is nice on paper but doesn't pass the reality check.
GraphQL pushes complexity into the backend where it’s arguably easier to manage, in return the frontend can have more flexibility and autonomy as a client.
REST pushes the complexity to the frontend requiring clients to orchestrate multiple calls, and reconcile the data models in the API to their own.
GraphQL got a lot of early praise for having good tooling that can provided end-to-end type safety, autogenerated client and server frameworks, and so on. OpenAPI has more or less caught up on this front now.
You can’t just take a REST api and convert it into a GraphQL api. Like going from dynamic to static types, with GraphQL it pays off to define your data model and reuse it throughout the API.
I’ve seen simple things like using the same field name, or same set of fields for a given type get bikeshedded for months. You can get with this for REST APIs, but not GraphQL.
You cannot satisfy both with one tool. Migrating to GraphQL (or choosing it in the first place) will frustrate consumers of it who primarily use your API for things other than writing frontend clients. Using REST will frustrate people who use your API to write frontend clients.
Significant engineering time will need to be spent ironing out important things that just work with REST (like caching).
The best analogy I have for what working with GraphQL on the backend is like is the “If you give a mouse a cookie” story [1].
You try to set up an API but end up being asked to implement three different caching layers, using the data loader pattern to batch requests to the DB to improve performance, discovering that custom error handling code is needed to get non 200 status codes back from your API, using persisted queries now that your frontend is asking for a lot of data in the body of the request which is taking up too much bandwidth, etc…
The code as you can imagine after doing all this is very hard to follow, even without doing any of the optimizations I listed above there are things like reference resolvers that make tracking down bugs or just finding where the data is being collected from a nightmare.