📣 xchip

Why no posts about the elephant in the room?

Why no posts about the elephant in the room?

  👤 bpiche Accepted Answer ✓

Im wondering the same thing

👤 ClassyJacket
What elephant?

👤 smoldesu
Because Hacker News is a finance/tech forum, not a site for elephant enthusiasts.

👤 thesuperbigfrog
Here you go:

Baby elephant conceived via artificial insemination and born at the Indianapolis Zoo needs a name:


He is really cute.

👤 ChumpGPT

👤 bell-cot
Looks like there are a few, but we're just not that interested in the him:


Or did you mean the more-literal elephant? We're still not all that interested:


👤 devonnull
If you're going to post something like this, at least mention what said elephant is. It might not be as obvious to others as it is to you. And that current so-called elephant in the room might be different depending on where you live.

That said, I wouldn't mind seeing more discussion about:


👤 dredmorbius