📣 aecorredor

What are the best Godot 4 production-grade learning resources?

I've been getting into game dev lately and chose to start with Godot 4, given all the recent events. I've spent quite a lot of time looking for quality learning resources, and most of them are on YouTube. The problem with that is that you don't really get a well structured path, and most of the times you don't really find stuff that's meant to be production ready.

  👤 amitmathew Accepted Answer ✓
At Quiver, we’re building comprehensive, polished courses for Godot. We aim to take you from the basics to more advanced concepts. Our content isn’t free though, but we’re doing our best to make it worth the cost. You can check it out here: https://quiver.dev. (Disclosure: I’m the founder).

👤 birophilo
I'm on the same road as you, a couple of months ahead.

After watching lots of tutorial videos and scouring the web for resources, here is what I'd recommend, or at least how I would do it over again myself:

First, a note on versions. The Godot ecosystem is in the middle of a big transition from version 3.x to 4.x, which introduces a lot of improvements but also some breaking changes. If you want to make a browser game in the immediate future, stick with Godot 3, as web exports for 4.0 aren't yet functional. For most other things, 4.0 seems to be the place to start.

- Start by going through the official (4.x) docs including the walkthrough games. As with many open source projects, the official docs are underrated. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/index.html

- Then, the course I found most useful after trying lots of other things is the book "Godot 4 Game Development Projects" by Chris Bradfield. It teaches basic concepts as you build different games such as: 2D platformer, Asteroids, 3D Minigolf etc. The quality of the code examples and the design patterns feel a lot better than some of the video tutorials on YouTube. Not taking anything away from video tutorials - sometimes a visual demo is just the ticket, of course. But a book can introduce concepts comprehensively and benefits from professional editing. This is where it started to click for me.

- Then I would recommend the website GDQuest (gdquest.com). It has free courses and game pattern tutorials in Godot, e.g. state machines, but the best stuff is the premium content, which is not cheap but worth it. It has games courses like RPG's and tower defence. I'm working through their "2D Secrets" course - currently on a Factorio-style (builder simulation) game tutorial and it's the most detailed game walkthrough I've seen in Godot. I'm working on a sim project myself, so it's just right for me. Plus it introduces you to the Entity-Component System design pattern in Godot. Unfortunately it's all in Godot 3.0, but once you're comfortable enough with 4.0 you can start to translate the differences and there are comments on the forums plugging the gaps.

Hadn't heard about Quiver.dev until now but it also looks great!

👤 d13
1. Book: Godot 4 Game Development Projects by Chris Bradfield. It’s superb and a great permanent reference.

2. GameDevTv’s Godot 4 course

3. The 4 videos currently on Godotneers Youtube channel.

Those will get you there :)

👤 opyate
GDQuest has some good free tutorials [0], and great bundles on their website [1] which is very project-based, i.e. you end up making small games. Keep an eye out for special offers, e.g. I bought an "ultimate" bundle (which includes everything) back in Feb 2021 which includes future updates.

However, I would also recommend making as many small (tiny) games as you can. There's nothing as motivating as releasing something often. You have to be diligent, though, and not succumb to scope/feature creep. There's nothing like learning by doing.

PS check GDQuest's "recommended" channels at the bottom of their YT channel for more good stuff.

0. https://www.youtube.com/@Gdquest

1. https://www.gdquest.com/product/