📣 Phileosopher

Am I Getting Paranoid?

In general, I've been maintaining a few WordPress-native sites since about 2018 without any issues, but these past few months have created several semi-connected experiences that seem highly suspicious to have happened all at once:

1. My big-box email hosting provider downgraded my website limit to 3 sites total. As a hobby, I've made about 6-7 sites, so I had to move, though it seems like this site limit is becoming industry-standard.

2. Another change at the same time has been that CardDAV server support has effectively been deprecated, making it difficult to synchronize contacts. My new hosting provider doesn't seem to host CardDAV, so I may have to self-host my contacts soon.

3. I had had an email list, but apparently sending via SMTP is no longer natively run through the CRM anymore without a paid service or self-hosting?

4. I've had organic traffic of 1-5 people on any given day to my sites (it's boring, evergreen content), but as of a few weeks ago my blog-posting site was dropped down to nothing.

5. When I was poking around the zone editor, it seems I can only ever update MX records anymore on the hosting site. I'm guessing that's a standard hosting provider situation?

6. Migrating emails out of the service is now a cumbersome one-at-a-time experience.

I'm not presently getting paid to do what I love (i.e., not paid to do tech work), so I'd like some perspective. Are these issues part of a well-connected effort to standardize the walled-garden approach of the internet, dark patterns to steer an upsell, or simply bad luck on my end for everything to be happening all at once?

  👤 anigbrowl Accepted Answer ✓

👤 genjii931
Not sure about most of that, but try Dreamhost.

👤 fargle
on #5 - you can certainly move your DNS zones to a proper registry/DNS service company for between around $0 and $10-$20 (for all 6) a year. This will let you have complete control of MX and all other records, and you can still use whatever site hosting providers you like. i feel like the cost of a standalone DNS service small negligible compared to the name fee itself and it's an easy and beneficial one to unbundle from everything else.

as to the rest - just because you are right about it doesn't make you not paranoid

👤 simne
That's why I don't like cheap services and cheap products like WP.

You don't tell anything special. All these things are typical underdog experience, happen periodically when use very strict economy.

Mathematics model is very similar to oversell of air tickets. Idea, that constantly, few humans late to plane or don't fly for some reason, so companies sell more tickets than seats. Sometimes all people meet inside plane and see oversell.

Some things may become slightly better if you just switch to other cheap hoster (this is like recalculate sharding). But if you will switch to significantly more expensive price (better also change hoster) you will see very different world.

Or you could just wait, and when happen next economy grow, some things will resolve themselves.

👤 hnfong
The well connected effort is called economics (specifically an anticipated recession and the end of zero interest rate “free money”)