📣 Austin_Conlon

What are you optimistic about?

What are you optimistic about?

  👤 withinboredom Accepted Answer ✓
That I will live through another day. It isn't promised or guaranteed, but I'm quite optimistic that I'll make it.

👤 filipefsilva
Buying a home

👤 dmvdoug
Future generations. They are less burdened with the baggage we bear. My fear, of course, is that we olds have irrevocably damaged the physical world they will have to live in.

👤 extasia
That I'll hit my goal of a 100kg bench press this year.

👤 pedalpete
The future of health, energy, quality of life, new food sources (lab grown, 3D printed, etc) and the potential to reduce impact on the environment.

What I'm not optimistic about it our ability to care for the planet. Our office is at a university, and there are restaurants on campus that serve food, on real plates, but only have take away coffee cups. I'm not blaming "kids these days", because it isn't an age thing. I see people everywhere not caring about the amount of single use plastics being used.

Aside from the environment, what else is there to NOT be optimistic about? Sure, we can say that income inequality is growing, which is true, but I've always wondered if we shouldn't be focused more on quality of life rather than the difference in size between 2 people's bank accounts.

👤 nonrandomstring
Civic cybersecurity and helping people have better, mentally healthier digital lives. https://cybershow.uk

👤 syndicatedjelly
That the Western world is still improving, contrary to popular belief. It's a lot of "2 steps forward, 1 step back", but it's still progress

👤 Havoc
Humanity progressing in general. Tech is getting better, medicine space exploration, ai.

Sure some troubles like climate change ahead but if we don’t nuke ourselves then I reckon it’ll end up just fine

👤 Snacklive
i recently landed a job that would significantly improve the quality of life not only for myself but my family

👤 mikewarot
I think that in the long run, computers will eventually be made secure. It'll require a mind-shift away from ambient authority, but it will happen. Likely in 10-20 years. At that point, it'll be as safe to run any random piece of code as it is to plug in any random appliance into a wall outlet.

I also believe that computing will eventually outgrow the Von Neuman model of computation for many, if not most, tasks. The idea that 99.999% of the transistors in a computer are just sitting, waiting, will seem silly in retrospect.

I believe that we'll find new deeper laws of physics that allow us to generate energy at a far cheaper, and renewable manner that even fission/fusion are capable of today. I want my personal megawatt box that doesn't emit excess heat, nor use fuel.

👤 thorin
Music: improving playing various instruments, playing in my band and doing some home recording

My kids: watching them grow and change

Work: gradually learning new skills after 25yrs in the industry

Fitness: up and down, but I like to think I can continue to improve even with setbacks

👤 drakonka
Meat alternatives, both cultured and plant-based. Over the years I have seen more and more options come on the market here and they've gotten _really good_. I'm optimistic and happy about the huge variety of meat alternative choices in my local grocery store these days.