📣 darkhorse13

Looking for a language that popped up here

Hey HN. I'm looking for a language that had a popular thread here maybe a few months ago. I forgot the name, but remember a few sparse details: every program having a unique ID (or something of that nature), it read a bit like JSON I think. Again, totally blanking on the details, but it was very cool and novel. It was in beta back then with a website showing examples. Any help?

  👤 yorwba Accepted Answer ✓
Are you thinking about Wikifunctions, discussed here 70 days ago? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36927695

👤 verdverm
I think it was content addressable, down to the function level.

Unison maybe? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22156370

👤 tritowntim