📣 herodoturtle

GPT-4 has 1.7T parameters. What's a parameter?

Hi folks, AI newbie here.

Can those of you that are well versed in AI please help me understand what exactly constitutes a parameter?

I often see LLMs being compared / ranked based on their number of parameters, so I'm hoping to better understand this metric.

I have a rudimentary understanding of artificial neural networks (in terms of inputs -> functions -> outputs), and by extension, a very basic understanding of deep learning.

But when it comes to defining a parameter, my google searches thus far have led me to concepts such as 'AI model behaviour' and 'adjustable settings' which, whilst interesting, are still too complex for me to distil into simple terms.

If I were to explain what a parameter is to my child, what might I say?


  👤 ps256 Accepted Answer ✓
f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c

a, b and c are parameters. So this is a model with 3 parameters. Keep adding parameters and chaining various operations on large inputs f(g(h(...) until 1.7T.

👤 sbierwagen
Number of connections between neurons, basically.

>GPT-4 has 1.7T parameters

That's a rumored parameter count. OpenAI has not released technical details of any of their newer models.

👤 ash-ishh
Checkout this tweet https://twitter.com/ylecun/status/1706545305762582580 by Yan LeCun.

"Parameters are coefficients inside the model that are adjusted by the training procedure. The dataset is what you train the model on. Language models are trained with tokens that are subword units (e.g. prefix, root, suffix)."

His comment on GPT-4 parameters count

"Also: a model with more parameters is not necessarily better. It's generally more expensive to run and requires more RAM than a single GPU card can have. GPT-4 is rumored to be a "mixture of experts", i.e. a neural net consisting of multiple specialized modules, only one of which is run on any particular prompt. So the effective number of parameters used at any one time is smaller than the total number."

👤 gardenhedge
Think of it like 1.7T different settings. For the model you're using, they're set in a specific way