📣 max_

For your side projects, what do you use for payment processing?

For your side projects, what do you use for payment processing?

  👤 WendyTheWillow Accepted Answer ✓
Stripe is easy and straightforward, though their subscription messaging stuff is less well documented than I'd like. Their "typical workflows" aren't as typical as I would have expected, and presume a level of integration with Stripe that isn't a given.

But for its core value prop, payment processing, it's great. You can work around the rest.

👤 quickthrower2
I am tempted to use Paddle for my next side project simply because it handles the tax implications as a merchant of record.

I like low hassle!

👤 iJohnPaul
Stripe is the easiest way for me. Tried some other options like lemonsqueezy but stripe still was the most straightforward.