📣 prakhar897

Why are Israel war submissions being flagged?

Seems like THE most important news to me right now. This is not just a tech board but for discussion of major current events as well.

Also, why weren’t Russia-Ukraine war threads being banned in the same way?






  👤 melling Accepted Answer ✓
It’s not really supposed to be a forum to discuss major events.

Reddit is probably a better forum.

Ukraine/Russia usually doesn’t gather much traction.

👤 entuno
Most likely because they're off topic:


> Off-Topic: Most stories about politics, or crime, or sports, or celebrities, unless they're evidence of some interesting new phenomenon. Videos of pratfalls or disasters, or cute animal pictures. If they'd cover it on TV news, it's probably off-topic.

It's important news, and many of people on this site will care deeply about it - but there are plenty of other places that are more suited to discuss it than here.

👤 rolph

👤 LinuxBender
Here you go, $8B to Israel. [1]

[1] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37804047

👤 injb
>> Seems like THE most important news to me right now. This is not just a tech board but for discussion of major current events as well.

The usual explanation when this happens is that, no, it's not for discussion of current events, at least not that current. It was the same when the Wagner group launched their attempted coup in Russia. While it was unfolding threads were being flagged here at the rate of a dozen or so every hour.

👤 weatherlite
Because Israel got massacred today, it's only news worthy when Israel is doing the killing

👤 IAmGraydon
If you want to discuss major current events, this is not the place for it. It's for discussing stories that stir one's intellectual curiosity, and politics are mostly a no-go here. I and others who have been here for a while take the content of this site pretty seriously, as it's really one of the last bastions of intellectual discourse on the internet and we're a bit protective of that. HN attracts some of the most talented people in the world because of that very fact. It's been getting harder and harder in recent years to keep the politics out. If you want to talk politics (which a war certainly is), there are places for that, like Reddit. This is not a general use forum.