As my disability gets worse (it's degenerative), I've been trying to figure our a business idea I could focus my attention on over the next year full time. I have plenty of savings, the issue is how do i find a reasonable venture that i can execute on.
Any help on finding business ideas?
I do have some various saas data science products that i have been working on and are really focused on SMB's, but i am still not fully commited.
Also, i have a FT job at the moment as a data scientist at a martech company. I just don't think I can keep doing this for 2 or more years
Because if you are still OK doing data science, I would suggest consulting/freelancing.
You might like Amy Hoy, both for her business advice and practice; she has an autoimmune disease that strongly impacts the way she runs her company.
What kind of analysis have you been doing? Could you write about your process as a way of attracting consulting clients or selling a guide (or both?)
What really matters, to make success business, you must change mind, get business habits (entrepreneur habits). This is not just "learn and go", this could take more than year.
And yes, the main or CORE three questions of business are, first, how to deal with people (how to sell, mostly, and in nearly all cases you might consider any meeting as selling something to somebody); second, find opportunities; third, how to arrange people to make things run, these are like foundation elephants on which stay business.
Sure, as these are important, exist many help resources, which answer one of these topics:
1. books, typically literally named "list of business ideas", or something similar, like "ideas of businesses for scientists", just google.
2. many (paid) services, which regularly research markets and give some insights, where could be opportunities.
3. hr services, and consulting services, so you could outsource to them hr and business control functions.
But sure, they are all not cheap, you need to have big business if you consider not to do these things yourself and tolerate costs.
As I understand, you will start as Small business, so you should learn these three core things yourself.
Possible solution - partnership, with some person, who knows how to run business. But you should release, business is totally different Universe, first months or even years, you will not understand, why he do, what he do, and you should accept inevitable. So the best, if your first business partner will be your relative, for example your uncle, or very close friend of family.
Also possible to make semi-partnership with some experienced person, who will mentor you. The best sure relative, but possible known person from nearest business club (read next).
Now in most western countries exist free trainings (paid by government) for small businesses, and you could attend them, so you will learn some important things for start and meet people and create some beginning networking.
Second, try to find near you business club and attend their meetings, market yourself as data scientist, and talk with people. They usually have pool of people who want to make partnership, or to become your mentor, and there you may find some opportunities.