📣 WhowasFired

Has the Big Ball of Mud architecture became a default standard in 2023?

Reference: http://www.laputan.org/mud/

Among the companies that you've been part of,which one had Big Ball of Mud Architecture?

According to you what were the contributing factors?

If you don't mind,tell your years of experience in the answer

  👤 switch007 Accepted Answer ✓

👤 peter_d_sherman

👤 FLT8
>According to you what were the contributing factors?

1. Inconsistent project-based funding model that leads to churn and a series of short-lived teams working on stepwise project deliverables, and little opportunity for consistent ownership of tech debt.

2. Micro-services that reflect poorly chosen boundaries (ie. project deliverables / team boundaries) rather than being based around well thought out domain aggregates. I guess this is Conway's law in action.

3. Resume driven development. People love to learn on the job, and like playing with and learning about the next shiny tech stack, but if everyone is doing that, it means that we're always building things on a stack we barely understand. I get it, the FOMO is real, but there's a lot to be said for simple, mature, well understood stacks even if they're not trendy.