📣 laserstrahl

Is there A iOS app for digitalizing emails?

My min want to print her emails since she doesn’t know any tools to digitalize, file and sort her emails. Is there a intuitive tool without ads and free?

Thanks in advance.

  👤 laserstrahl Accepted Answer ✓
She doesn’t want to use an app tho but prints her important emails and file them in a folder.

I don’t want to print so muc since it’s resources we don’t have. Someone with an idea?

👤 stop50
Digitalizing "E"-mails? For ordering an sorting them we she receives them,there are the exchange filters and sieve filters, they sort them once the server receives them. If she likes to print that much she should apply in the german gouvernment, i heard they are searching for people that print out electronic applications for the german student sipport system.

👤 gregjor
Print to PDF, save in a folder.

Emails are of course already "digitized," so they are easy to organize, file, tag, search etc. in their original form. Almost all email clients support better organization and searching than you can do with PDFs.

👤 k310
iOS mail app does not do filtering but the parallel desktop app does. Is it possible to set that up on a desktop system? The resulting mailboxes will show up on the iOS app. Called smart mailboxes. Just use the same account login and password.

iCloud mail ( same server as iOS and macOS mail) may also filter but I don't do webmail.

The filters should not be hard to set up.

I do all serious work on macOS. iOS is a toy by comparison, and I suggest the desktop filtering option if you can do it. A very trusted person can do it for her. It just runs on its own.

Take it from a person who used to queue up emails to a printer for old-fashioned faculty members.

PS. Apple ios mail app won't export email messages to pdf either.