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iPhone Low Power Mode, or No?

Will normally have iPhone running ‘low power mode’ as is most likely less intensive / potentially better for ‘battery longevity’ (?)

Also typically only charge phone when it’s like below 5% battery life & ideally to 80-90% (does this matter?)

Main question be: is “Regular Power Mode” better for the phone? (Like does “full power” keep the system running better / etc.)

Basically asking which overall is best battery mode for iPhone life

  👤 mattl Accepted Answer ✓
I always have my iPhones on Low Power Mode, and I have a shortcut automation which does it for me. No complaints.

👤 shmoogy
I can't answer most of your questions - but - On low power mode you lose 120hz, it shifts to 60 - which makes things seem very sluggish once you're used to it.

👤 RulerOf
iOS Low power mode breaks a lot of UX, and the power savings it can bring are already within your control. Read up on what it affects[0].

If you want to be a power user and limit the energy usage of your device, then do that instead. Lower your brightness. Disable background app refresh for apps that don't really need it or that you don't use regularly. You'll get more consistent UX and end up with the similar energy usage.

0: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT205234

👤 sbierwagen

To save a click, maximum battery longevity is achieved keeping it between 75 and 65 percent SoC. (But only a psychopath would do that, the third best lifespan is 75-25%)

The deeper you discharge it and the higher you charge it, the shorter the lifetime.

👤 Leftium
I personally like the convenience of starting with a full battery and using my device freely, so I'll just have the battery replaced as needed.

I'm not sure, but I get the feeling my iPhone cellular/Wi-Fi reception is a little weaker in low power mode.

I like the convenience of wireless charging, but the phone gets quite warm/hot.

https://chargie.org/ helps by charging the phone slowly (less heat) and limiting the maximum charge.