📣 chandler767

What's a new developer tool you recently started using?

I always like learning about new tools and never know what I'm missing out on. Share some tools you've recently started using.

  👤 accrual Accepted Answer ✓
It's kinda silly, but I like "frhed" for Windows. It's a small fast hex editor. I tried more advanced editors but found myself going back to frhed because it opens instantly and never complains, it just opens any file and lets me get to work.


On a similar note I also use Notepad2 which hasn't been updated in years, but is a no-BS upgrade from Notepad that also will open just about anything very quickly. I use it more than Notepad++ because of the balance between simplicity and function, and it never gives me popups to update.


👤 slayerjain
Lima - pretty smooth way to develop on a linux vm on macOS. I connect it via SSH to VS code, and performs quite well on M1/M2 MacBooks.

👤 mdwalters
I just started using chezmoi, a cross-platform dotfiles manager. Would highly reccommend chezmoi if you're looking for a reliable dotfile manager.

👤 oops
I have been poring over a large amount of data for debugging purposes recently and discovered “facets” which provides a quick and easy way to compare and explore datasets.


👤 skydhash
Dash - An offline documentation browser for MacOS. These days, I found that online searches is a bit wasteful–I never have time to configure specific site- search in Alfred. Kinda useful for languages like Go, Common Lisp and Clojure.

VMs - Specifically with Parallels Desktop. I'm a bit fed up with MacOS packagers. I prefer having a small VM, where things are at least consistent. And no risks of NPM contaminations.

👤 mortallywounded
I tried DBeaver recently and thought it was pretty nice. I tried it as an alternative to Beekeeper.

👤 swah
Some new diff tool https://github.com/dandavison/delta I just wanted to do a diff inside a bash script and ask the user if it looked ok, found this one.