📣 mortallywounded

Has progressive enhancement lost of the war?

With the widespread adoption of JavaScript dependent SPAs and frameworks, has progressive enhancement lost the war?

Is there a place for it today?

Edit: For the sake of the argument, let's include tangential ideas like graceful degradation, unobtrusive JavaScript, etc.

  👤 brudgers Accepted Answer ✓

👤 Someone1234
No "war" ever started. It was just an idea by a few niche people who wanted to disable 1/3 to 2/3 of their browser's technology then demand that web-site operators/builders spend a lot of time and money on implementing for that sub-1% population. They didn't, and these people had no real leverage.

The biggest argument was accessibility, but it turns out people with extra needs don't want a poorly maintained version of the page with a ton of missing features. So instead additional aria tips were added, website operators encouraged (or required by law) to hit A-AAA, to explain parts of the page, combined with assistive technologies getting much better.

The other big argument was in essence "Build first for IE11, then add Firefox/WebKit features on top." Which naturally went away when IE died and evergreen browsers took over.

👤 breckenedge
Yes, it’s dead. UJS still has a place, but it looks like Alpine or HTMX.