📣 yixinnb

How to prevent newsletters from bombarding your inbox?

How to prevent newsletters from bombarding your inbox?

  👤 bo0tzz Accepted Answer ✓
I receive all my email through a catchall on my personal domain. Every newsletter gets its own address, in the shape of site-name@newsletter.my.domain. If they misbehave, I just blackhole that address.

👤 k310
I don't sign up for any and I only give out throwaway email addresses to get freebies. I don't actually know how many newsletters are delivered to /dev/null.

👤 Leftium
This filter catches most newsletters with very few false positives: `contains text "unsubscribe"`

Most important emails don't contain "unsubscribe," but newsletters are required to include it by law.

I added some other things to the filter like `from:noreply`, but my primary inbox only gets a few emails per day, while my promotions and updates inboxes get many more emails.