📣 vitalipom

Bluetooth non earphone speaker for highly sensetive?

Hi A part of my job qualification, in the description as well, is to support others. 1000 programmers with sort of Google questions they cannot find answers for online. Screen and typing at certain period become extremely fatile for me in this, causing big fatigue. Frontally I can help anyone but we all work in cubicles as you know, I am coding too so 100% meeting room is not an option. Questions sometimes become very frequent and answers do remove lots of obstacles to the teams. Teleporting to everyone is not an option too. Ear or anything that touches the skin especially for long period such as earbud creates a high sensitivity with something that looks like an allergy reaction sooner or later.

Apple Watch has perfect speaker which does not disturb for such phone calls, but it’s an on hand device. Is there anything for T Shirts which can be both a mic and a low level speaker?

  👤 warrenm Accepted Answer ✓
Might a bone-conduction headset work for you?

Something like this, perhaps - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BVXT8TJ?

(That's merely one example - I know several folks that use similar headphones when biking or running so they can still hear traffic/warnings/etc)

👤 walterbell
Small smartphone like iPhone SE1 (speakers + echo-cancelling mics) mounted on a boom mike stand , e.g. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V2FJL54/

👤 eimrine
I would like to have a giant stereo on a minimal volume and a regular mic. What's more interesting to me is maintaining an audio channel with 1000 users.

👤 houseatrielah
Bone-conducting headphones still touch the skin, so idk if it will help?