📣 epolanski

Is there a list of startups building on top of ChatGPT out there?

I'm aware of the likes of Bing Chat or Spellbook, but I was wondering whether there was a comprehensive list somewhere of products being built on top of ChatGPT (less so but still interested on businesses built on different LLMs).

  👤 houseatrielah Accepted Answer ✓
Matt Wolfe (YouTuber) keeps up with the scene... https://www.futuretools.io/ -- tldr there's a lot of them.

👤 jschveibinz
IMHO the ChatGPT startup scene is a house of cards. There is so little known about the longevity of any of these particular models, the internal R&D of the big players, the eventual cost, etc. that as an early stage investor I see too much risk at this point in time.

👤 tikkun
https://www.gpt-list.com/ (I helped curate)

There's also https://theresanaiforthat.com/ which is extremely comprehensive