📣 tsingy

What's the state of consumer ML with AMD GPUs?

This is only for fun and learning purpose. I'm hesitating between the AMD RX7600 (60e cheaper) and the RTX 4060. The price alone would make me pick AMD as on the gaming side, the cards are basically the same. But I'd like to learn some ML stuff and I know CUDA is more mature. Anyone doing machine learning with consumer AMD GPUs? How is it?

  👤 felipetrz Accepted Answer ✓
As an AMD user, I have to say that it's nowhere near nvidia for ML. Basically ALL ML tooling is written with CUDA as a target, and while ROCm promises some level of compatibility, it's a buggy mess that crashes with most models out there.

If OpenCL took off as the standard, any GPU would be able to do everything just fine, but unfortunately industry always takes the "worse is better" approach to everything.