📣 nullgeo

Web app for building family tree

Hi HN, I’m looking for a good web app for building family tree. Preferably one that’s almost free or with one time payment. Features should include ability to upload photos. Don’t care about fancy bells and whistles but ability to export image of the entire tree in high quality would be super. Thanks in advance!

  👤 entrepy123 Accepted Answer ✓
Why does it have to be a web app? It does not meet your requirements, but when I looked into this sort of task before, the best option looked like Gramps [0], which was discussed at [1].

  [0] https://gramps-project.org
  [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27574273

👤 olav
If you don't mind self-hosting a PHP app, https://webtrees.net/ is a nice option.