📣 mr_o47

Where are you looking for remote jobs?


I would love to hear your experience regarding finding a remote job and where are you looking for it

  👤 codetrotter Accepted Answer ✓
I found mine by searching “Who’s hiring” threads from HN using third-party indexers, and choosing to only look at job listings that mentioned that they use my favourite programming language.

I got my job at the company about 1 year ago.

I interviewed with a handful of companies and this one was the only one that wanted to hire me out of those :)

There were also some companies that I contacted that never even bothered to reply back to me at all. It was discouraging and tiresome, but I was lucky to finally find a company that was interested in my skills.

👤 jhwhite
I found mine networking through previous colleagues.

👤 SxC97
You can try here: https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs

But I haven’t had much luck lately as someone looking for entry level and junior software engineering positions. Maybe seniors will have more luck.

👤 andrelaszlo
I was contacted by a former colleague. Didn't really look for a job at the time (almost 4 years ago), but I was already freelancing remotely, so it wasn't a big step either (like, say, having to quit a job).

We're listed on https://remotesweden.com/ - a site that lists companies that hire for fully remote positions in Sweden. It's a bit outdated sometimes, but worth checking if you want to be hired in Sweden for some reason (I can think of a few).

👤 wmat
I just learned of this site today, not sure if it's any good but it's specific to remote:


👤 ilaksh
For me it's not jobs but contracts and I find them most easily on Upwork. It's not ideal for multiple reasons starting with the low rates, but this seems to be by far the place with the most projects that are easiest to get.

I also know of one called Gun.io which might be decent. Although they are Net-30 payment which is not ideal but many may consider standard still.

Some somewhat better contracts came through reddit or even Discord communities.

I usually work on my startup until I am really broke and then have to go to Upwork because I am out of time.

If you have savings, Upwork is probably the last option you should try.

If someone knows of a website for freelance work that is an alternative to Upwork let me know. They seem to have kind of a monopoly.

👤 marcotm