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Best online resources to get into robotics as a hobby

Hi HN! I’m a software hacker and my wife is an industrial engineer. As our kids are growing up my wife would like to pick up robotics as a hobby and I might not be able to resist joining her. We don’t know where to start however. We are looking for websites, online communities, good places to buy equipment, good books, videos and whatever else that can help her (us) get started. Life is long (maybe), so not in a rush. Just need to start somewhere. No specific goals for now.

  👤 chfritz Accepted Answer ✓
I would: 1 Start learning about ROS, 1a run some basic tutorials, 1b run a virtual robot in Gazebo (simulator); 2 Buy one of those raspberry pi based robot kits; 3 Buy an intel d435 3d camera (if you can afford it); 4 repeat what you did in gazebo in the real world on your pi-robot.