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How do you manage many profiles and credentials for cloud tooling?

I currently manage 11 AWS organizations, each with at least 1 EKS cluster. We're soon going to expand to GKE and other managed Kubernetes offerings since we offer a cloud product and our users want it to be colocated.

My question: do you know of any tools that help manage multiple profiles like this? Ideally I could specify which cluster I want to log in to and it knows how to set my AWS (or GKE, or ...) env variables or CLI profile correctly, as well as kubectl and whatever other tools we add next. I would _really_ love it if I could specify per-directory configs which it reads and executes in the background so that my shell is always set up correctly.

  👤 QuinnyPig Accepted Answer ✓
You're going to love https://granted.dev. It can be extended further, as we've done internally: https://www.duckbillgroup.com/blog/overhauling-aws-account-a...