📣 thrway12345688

Should I mention personal reasons for leaving job during interview

Hi, I'm in process of looking for new job. Common question during interview is, what is my reason for leaving my current and even previous jobs. And as even though there are more things that adds up, the main reason is that I'm just not able to come along with my boss and management who are objectively not performing well (politics, projects delays, etc.). But I struggle If I should be mentioning this during interview as it's something that can't be easily proved. Do you think it is better to be fully open or try to avoid this topic.

  👤 brodouevencode Accepted Answer ✓
I've found "the dynamics of the company have changed and are no longer a good fit for me" works pretty well. That usually will get them moving on to the next topic. If they probe then you can get into the details, but keep it civil and professional.