📣 kidsil

Should I Keep the “Co-Founder? Seeking Co-Founder?” Posts?

This month marks a time for a check-up: Should I continue posting the "Co-Founder? Seeking Co-Founder?" threads? After a conversation with dang last month, the path forward remains unclear.

To date, these threads have assisted 44 founders in connecting with potential co-founders, which is pretty meaningful impact in my book.

Your thoughts? Open for discussion.

  👤 whatamidoingyo Accepted Answer ✓
While I haven't personally engaged with these threads yet, I vote yes, please keep them. It's something I will most likely be using quite soon. What better place to find a co-founder than HN?

Edit: I actually just looked at the thread where Dang asked you to stop posting them. I think you should respect his decision.

👤 codegeek
The problem is that most of these posts are low quality. People don't want to add enough information about them or their idea and most posts end up being "Hit me up and i will tell you more".

👤 codingdave
Just stop. It doesn't resonate with most of the audience here. dang asked you to stop. And even from day one it felt less like someone trying to help the community and more like someone trying to find a way to get their name known -- that impression may be 100% wrong, but is how this entire history of these posts came across to me, and when you keep pushing it even after being asked to stop, it reinforces that impression.

👤 jacobriis
"After a conversation with dang last month, the path forward remains unclear."

He said it's not working at least twice and asked you to stop.

👤 nivertech
Not a good idea for the following reasons:

- Co-founder preferably should be someone who you already know for a reasonable amount of time.

- There are already many co-founder matching platforms, including on YC Startup School[1]

- Posts on HN are hard to update or delete, unlike those on the cofounder matching platforms / forums / groups / etc. Also they're publicly available and indexed by the search engines.


1. https://www.ycombinator.com/cofounder-matching

👤 joshxyz

too much monthly posts already. and yc's cofounder matching is more organized for it. 44 is nothing. there are thousands of founders in the cofounder matching engine these days, and the search filtering has been improved greatly.

we appreciate the effort, however im siding on dang on this one given my exp with yc starrtup school and cofounder matching.