📣 amichail

Is it better to learn programming after teenage rebellion starts?

Wouldn't this make you more critical of what you are learning and better able to adapt to changing technologies in the long term?

  👤 K0SM0S Accepted Answer ✓

👤 dragonwriter
> Wouldn't this make you more critical of what you are learning and better able to adapt to changing technologies in the long term?

Probably not. If anything, its probably better to learn programming before the teenage rebellion phase, or, at least, to learn the kind of problem solving skills that programming exercises early.

👤 Zambyte
"Hackers" and "rebels" go well together.

👤 syndicatedjelly
Some anecdata - I learned to code in my 20s and it took years of experience to start being more critical and recognize when to switch to new technologies.

IMO people should learn to program in college. Leave the teenage years for making mistakes and having experiences with people, not anti-socially typing at a computer.