📣 xchip

What do you think about GitHub's 2FA being mandatory?

What do you think about GitHub's 2FA being mandatory?

  👤 jjgreen Accepted Answer ✓

👤 herczegzsolt
A good 2FA setup is important for modern security.

Knowing many sortware developers, a suprisingly large percentage of them still think about security as annoyance. This is especially problematic, as they tend to have a larger attack surface.

Having access to critical resources and also executing a wide range of semi-random tools and code on your machine is ... less then optimal.

With the rise or supply chain attacks, I believe this is a critical and required change.

You could argue that GitHub should not be forcing that decision on users, but if they want to protect their brand, they kind of have to.

👤 jim-jim-jim
Don't like it. With the exception of my bank accounts, my digital presence is already guarded by security-through-inanity. The thought of somebody fucking with my unstarred, unfinished, unreadable learning project repos doesn't keep me up at night.