📣 mdwalters

Could a Wii be a good headless server?

Could a Wii be a good headless server?

  👤 johnklos Accepted Answer ✓
Sure, it could. However, you'd have to have reasonable expectations regarding what you can do with it. Compiling will be slow and swappy, for instance, but it'd certainly work.

USB 2 is more than fine for storage and ethernet. You wouldn't have the fastest nor the most efficient system, but if you're the kind of person who appreciates things outside of the mainstream, it'd make for an interesting server :)

👤 latchkey
I've got 25,000 PS5's in blade form to sell you. The only problem is that they don't have ECC memory or drives, so you have to iPXE boot them.

What would you like to do with it?

👤 dutchbrit
There are better options, outdated hardware, energy consumption etc.. But it’s always fun to repurpose things.

👤 eigenform
No, but you should do it because it's a funny idea :)