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How do you manage API collections using cURL?

Context: I am currently using Insomnia Rest for API manual testing. After they announced a change in the newer version (requiring an account), I am looking for some alternatives. Some people recommend Restfox, Bruno, and etc. My requirements are:

* No account required

* No analytics or telemetry

* Able to import/export the collection

* Available across popular operating systems, Linux, macOS, and Windows.

I found Restfox and Bruno had analytics. I was thinking it was only cURL which met above requirements. You can manage the API collections easily as well as the environment using Insomnia, Restfox, and Bruno. As for cURL, I think it requires much effort managing that. I wanted to get some insights on how you manage API collections using cURL.

  👤 catlover76 Accepted Answer ✓

(IDK if it meets all your reqs, but check it out)

👤 dylanhassinger
postman and playwright

👤 isbvhodnvemrwvn
It's probably going to be much easier to just fork Bruno and remove the one file with telemetry in it than to torture yourself with the alternatives.