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Is it likely for a customer's reputation to be exchanged among services?

We know that there exist third-party data brokers for everything under the sun.

Is it likely that services as varied as food delivery, ride share, or health care, would buy and sell reputational data on customers of other companies in the same industry?

For example, a new user signs up to Waymo. Does Waymo reach into the deep web and attempt to purchase reliable and current data from Lyft, Uber, et. al?

It seems like they would, and probably should, since it would be good to know about problem customers, and conversely, generous or profitable ones too.

  👤 poorbastards Accepted Answer ✓
> It seems like they would, and probably should, since it would be good to know about problem customers, and conversely, generous or profitable ones too.

I like your focus. Don't improve companies. Adjust customer behavior.

What do you think about Customer-Re-Education-Camps? Uh! This might be a better alternative to UBI!