📣 headmelted

Is there a way to get back the web we lost?

I’ve been thinking for a long time about the web that I came of age with, which I’m sure will likely be different from the web that many of you came of age with, given how wide the community is here.

My first introduction to the Internet was circa 1998, by way of an Acer Aspire very similar (if not identical, it’s been 25 years and the memory has faded) to this: https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-a1x7hg2jgk/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/22921/129379/acer-aspire-7121-pentium-2-400mhz-256-mb-8.6gb-cd-rw-desktop-com-1.27__54621.1490192556.jpg?c=2

When I first got to spend time on that machine (it was shared with the rest of the family, so time was limited) I was immediately drawn to the open web and how I could (in my own small way) be a part of something very new and incredibly big.

I created a website, hosted on members.xoom.com (I don’t remember why not geocities, I just remember that there was a reason at the time). I met (and made friends) with people in countries around the world, and I was fascinated that in any direction I turned to look for anything, there seemed to be a niche community fervently dedicated to that special interest and each other.

It felt like one huge counter-culture. I’ve watched documentaries of the 60’s and I inherently get what people were saying in terms of one needing to have been there, then.

  👤 Iulioh Accepted Answer ✓
The web of people is still there but your image of them and the feeling you felt when you were younger can exist only in your mind :)