Pg really feels like 1980s or 1990s “hand cranked” Unix software.
MySQL/MariaDB and especially CockroachDB and TiDB are alternatives that are massively more approachable especially in HA setups. Then there are NoSQL databases, graph databases, etc.
What is it that makes something as arcane and clunky as Postgres such a darling?
It's not the case with PostgreSQL.
2. Relative to their importance in 2023, HN disproportionately upvotes headlines mentioning Mozilla, Linux desktop frameworks (#1 recently!), and other technologies that were extremely important in 2003.
3. Based on that (imperfect) evidence, my hypothesis is that HN voters are heavily drawn from people who have been hackers for two decades are more *and who haven't fully updated their perspectives on software*. An implication of this hypothesis is that there are some topics which are underweighted on HN relative to their importance. I do not know how to test this hypothesis.
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> CockroachDB and TiDB are alternatives that are massively more approachable
Maybe. CockroachDB claims Pg compatibility (though docs say nothing about extensions). TiDB has some interesting features, but MySQL compatibility scares me [2]. Neither of them has level of support from cloud providers that Postgres has.
Edit: in case you're curious, part of the reason why I found it so difficult was because of MySQL's take on UTF-8 support.
MariaDB is not fashionable or high status.
People think they are making all these decisions on a rationale basis. But humans, including software engineers, are herd animals.
The drive to conform will push humans to do all sorts of irrational things. I still use vim (neovim) despite decades of hating certain things about it.
I think also that many developer's only real way of judging engineering is whether it conforms to certain stack or process patterns that they have heard of. Use the wrong stack or leave out some process and in their eyes you must not be a serious engineer. They aren't capable of or interested in looking into the details of the requirements and execution to judge you.
[0]a : /wiki/Community_Guide_to_PostgreSQL_GUI_Tools
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