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Why does HN adore Postgres so much?

Postgres is very capable and its support for SQL is very complete, but it’s also clunky and hard to manage beyond the simplest use cases. Setting it up in HA configurations is intimidating to the point that even experienced admins fear doing it for serious use cases and rely on managed Postgres at cloud providers instead.

Pg really feels like 1980s or 1990s “hand cranked” Unix software.

MySQL/MariaDB and especially CockroachDB and TiDB are alternatives that are massively more approachable especially in HA setups. Then there are NoSQL databases, graph databases, etc.

What is it that makes something as arcane and clunky as Postgres such a darling?

  👤 revskill Accepted Answer ✓
Because with MySQL, to wrap every column with `` in a query is very clumsy. In most of time, to write mysql query, one should use an ORM.

It's not the case with PostgreSQL.

👤 stop50
before Postgresql was big, the only opensource databases i saw in use was MySQL(later Mariadb) and SQLite. SQLite support is single application and MySQL suffers from problems like incomplete utf8 support(unless you use utf8mb4), or the problem of the database engines. Postres configuration and running multiple servers on one domain is from my perspective much easier. Some minor features are more interesting for me: native uuid, row level locks ("SELECT * FROM mytable FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 1;" is an query where you can get one row and process it like an queue, but if it fails (error or crash of client) it can rollback and give to the next worker.

👤 spenrose
1. I don't know.

2. Relative to their importance in 2023, HN disproportionately upvotes headlines mentioning Mozilla, Linux desktop frameworks (#1 recently!), and other technologies that were extremely important in 2003.

3. Based on that (imperfect) evidence, my hypothesis is that HN voters are heavily drawn from people who have been hackers for two decades are more *and who haven't fully updated their perspectives on software*. An implication of this hypothesis is that there are some topics which are underweighted on HN relative to their importance. I do not know how to test this hypothesis.

👤 sargstuff
Kleene[0] / de brujin[1] programming a complete database system from scratch (pawk/neovim) using ebnf/bnf in place of more modern data structures with an wasm compiled awk /python for browser use might make postgres seem like a darling. Does make for great thesis material though.

[0]a : https://ai.dmi.unibas.ch/_files/teaching/fs16/theo/slides/th...

[0]b : https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/0708/MathCompTh/kleene.pdf

[1] : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bruijn_graph

👤 fiedzia
You are looking at it from operational point of view. As a developer I care about different things: 1.Ops side is someone else problem. AWS takes care of that, so it just works. Otherwise, ops take care of that, so I also don't care. 2. MySQL is absolutely horrible from developer point of view. It works for most basic cases, but it's so primitive that anything non-trivial breaks it. Significant portion of its documentation is dedicated to listing all possible ways things are broken and what you need to watch out for. Postgres just works. You can combine 2,3 or more features and it all just works as you expected. 3. Pg has way more features. You have tons of data types, index types and extensions that cover enormous amount of usecases. Whatever you want to do, Pg can do it. Maybe some specialized db would be better for full-text search or GIS or storing json, but Pg will get you far (or will just do great). MySQL is nowhere near this extensibility. 4. Maybe it's historical, but I've seem way more corrupted Mysql cases than Pg. It is rock-solid. 5. As a result of that, I see MySQL vanishing from people minds. More and more products work with Pg only (or Pg and SQLite).

> CockroachDB and TiDB are alternatives that are massively more approachable

Maybe. CockroachDB claims Pg compatibility (though docs say nothing about extensions). TiDB has some interesting features, but MySQL compatibility scares me [2]. Neither of them has level of support from cloud providers that Postgres has.

👤 selfhoster11
Having had to migrate a messy legacy system from old MySQL to modern MariaDB, I can confidently say that I never wish to work ever again with anything MySQL related. Postgres is much more boring than MySQL, and that's a good thing.

Edit: in case you're curious, part of the reason why I found it so difficult was because of MySQL's take on UTF-8 support.

👤 ilaksh
I think it's the same reason teenagers in the US don't want to be seen with Android phones.

MariaDB is not fashionable or high status.

People think they are making all these decisions on a rationale basis. But humans, including software engineers, are herd animals.

The drive to conform will push humans to do all sorts of irrational things. I still use vim (neovim) despite decades of hating certain things about it.

I think also that many developer's only real way of judging engineering is whether it conforms to certain stack or process patterns that they have heard of. Use the wrong stack or leave out some process and in their eyes you must not be a serious engineer. They aren't capable of or interested in looking into the details of the requirements and execution to judge you.

👤 cvalka
Herd mentality. Most use cases would be better served by the second generation open source relational databases such as YugabyteDB, TiDB or YDB.

👤 sargstuff
postgres wiki has list of different non-command line ways to use postgres [0]. UML/gui type tools perhaps would be helpful[1].

[0]a : http://wiki.postgresql.org /wiki/Community_Guide_to_PostgreSQL_GUI_Tools

[0]b : http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Design_Tools

[1] : http://pgmodeler.io/

👤 hodgesrm
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned licenses. PostgreSQL has an open license and you can use it for any purpose you want. It's also not controlled by Oracle.