📣 john_96

What tool do you want me to build?

Hey guys,

I have a ras pi that isn't doing anything. comment your idea for a simple tool you'd like access to.

I'll code up the top voted idea as an SPA web app and host it for everybody to access for free. Thanks.

  👤 maxlin Accepted Answer ✓
Make a massage simulator. JK. Took a few tries to figure what that abbreviation means even through chatgpt.

Another try: Make a site that shows when airplanes are going to be close to your position, and include a dead reckoning-based forecasting functionality that lets you set an alert when any of currently detected planes are going to be passing by in the next ~30 seconds. HC option: Do this with an SDR connected to the Pi, instead of using adb API's.

👤 k310
A system that receives pictures in email, stores them on a server, preferably free and reliably online, and returns the image URL. For a smallish forum, so not massive. It's actually on my "can I make this?" list.

Problem is that people have to upload to various image hosting sites, and this confuses beginners who are familiar only with emailing or messaging images. And then, getting the right image URL to post.

Message instead of email?

👤 eimrine
Use it for seeding some rare torrents, such as books and music.

👤 quickthrower2
A decent timezone converter.

Maybe paste in date/time any format (it checks for ambiguity and asks to clarify) and free text to and from time zones and then spits out the answer and the time zones it actually used

👤 austin-cheney
A simple home media server such that I can attach an external hard drive with music and/or movie files for A/V hardware to play. I am just thinking file system navigation and codec execution on demand.

👤 meiraleal
A webrtc signaling server.

Something like this: https://gist.github.com/meiraleal/cd45f94fbdc68f10d4fbf607cb...